Studies on the cimetidine resistant duodenal ulcer

  • Gledhill, T.
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Publication date
January 1982
The University of Edinburgh


This thesis investigates why some patients with duodenal ulcer do not respond to blockade and how these patients should be treated. Part 1 examines the effect of cimetidi.'ne lg/day, cimetidine 2g/day and vagotomy on nocturnal gastric secretion in nonresponders. Cimetidine in either dose had no significant effect on volume of gastric secretion but nocturnal intragastric acidity did show a significant decrease. Vagotomy significantly decreased both volume and acidity of secretion. These findings suggest that nonresponse to cimetidine may be due to increased vagal drive. Part 2 investigates vagal function further by measuring nocturnal pepsin secretion in patients receiving cimetidine and ranitidine. Both H2~receptor antagonists in...

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