Study of the autochthonous microflora of certain soils

  • Topping, Lucy Evelyn
Publication date
January 1936
The University of Edinburgh


The most numerous type of micro -organisms in untreated soils was found to be pleomorphic Gram-positive, non-spore-forming bacteria, characterised by the production of very short coccobacillary or coccal forms. Their cultural and physiological characters do not offer a basis for classification but the organisms have been arranged into groups, according to the presence or absence of. motility. Among the non-motile organisms (Group II) two morphological types have been distinguished. Some of the organisms exhibit the characters of corynebacteria and are regarded as belonging to the Corynebacterium liquefacIens group. Others under certain conditions produce a finely branched mycelium, and belong to the Proactinomyces. Experi...

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