The LHCb experiment is an experiment based at the LHC in Geneva and is dedicated to the study of mesons containing bottom and charm quarks. One of the primary goals of the physics at LHCb is to measure CP-violating effects which lead to a dominance of matter over anti-matter in the universe. This thesis presents the measurement of the CP-violating phase Ø s which is one of the golden channels at LHCb. This phase is observed as the interference between mixing of B0s ↔ B-0s and decay of B0s → J/ψ K+K−. The results, based upon the 1.0 fb−1 dataset collected by LHCb during 2011, are: Ø s = 0.07±0.09±0.01 rad , ∆Γs = 0.100±0.016±0.002 ps−1 , Γs = 0.663±0.005±0.006 ps−1 . This analysis is also able to measure the mixing parameter ms = 1...