Nýtingarhlutfall hliðarafurða í sjávariðnaði hefur aukist í takt við gífurlega tækniþróun í vinnsluaðferðum. Þrívíð matarprentun er nýstárleg og upprennandi aðferð í matvælaiðnaði sem gæti komið á móts við aukna kröfur um nýtingu náttúruafurða sem og eftirspurn um persónuvæðingu og lystaukandi framsetningu í eldhúsi framtíðarinnar. Markmið þessa verkefnis var að þróa tilbúna vöru úr afskurði Atlantshafsþorsks sem hægt er að nýta til prentunar og matreiðslu beint úr búð. Tvær þekktar aðferðir voru framkvæmdar við einangrun fiskpróteins sem undirstöðuefni uppskriftar, annars vegar útfelling fiskpróteins með sýrustigshækkun og hinsvegar hefðbundin Surimi-gerð. Þróun lokauppskriftar var þrepaskipt. Hliðarprófanir voru gerðar á hlutföllum og mi...
The substantiation for using techniques of fish raw material canning has been presented, raw fish be...
Fish is a limited resource, and sustainability concerns arise as fish stocks and catches are decreas...
Providing safe-to-eat consumer fish products is a key objective for the Global Aquaculture Industry....
In this report the results of work on development of new and innovative ready to use seafood product...
Fiskmjölsiðnaðurinn hefur lítið breyst á síðustu árum. Til þess að vega á móti lægra söluverði og au...
This book seeks to address the challenges facing the international seafood industry via a two pronge...
Fish, mainly freshwater fish, the type of goods that should be recommended in terms of healthy livin...
The fish processing industry in India, during the past ten years has been rather exclusively concer...
Industrija ribe podrazumijeva svaku industriju ili djelatnost vezanu za izlov, uzgoj, preradu, konze...
This paper emphasizes that efforts in the upgrading of the fish processing industry in Southeast Asi...
U ovom radu dan je pregled novih tehnologija i metoda konzerviranja koje se koriste u industrijskoj ...
The consumption of fish and fish-related products is increasing. Due to improved welfare and suggest...
Health, nutrition are the main factors for human beings. Fishes are the source of protein, vitamins,...
-The Norwegian Seafood Federation (FHL) has applied for approval of a new alternative method for pro...
Rapporten gir en evaluering av mulighetene for foredling og produkter fra restråstoff fra hvitfisk i...
The substantiation for using techniques of fish raw material canning has been presented, raw fish be...
Fish is a limited resource, and sustainability concerns arise as fish stocks and catches are decreas...
Providing safe-to-eat consumer fish products is a key objective for the Global Aquaculture Industry....
In this report the results of work on development of new and innovative ready to use seafood product...
Fiskmjölsiðnaðurinn hefur lítið breyst á síðustu árum. Til þess að vega á móti lægra söluverði og au...
This book seeks to address the challenges facing the international seafood industry via a two pronge...
Fish, mainly freshwater fish, the type of goods that should be recommended in terms of healthy livin...
The fish processing industry in India, during the past ten years has been rather exclusively concer...
Industrija ribe podrazumijeva svaku industriju ili djelatnost vezanu za izlov, uzgoj, preradu, konze...
This paper emphasizes that efforts in the upgrading of the fish processing industry in Southeast Asi...
U ovom radu dan je pregled novih tehnologija i metoda konzerviranja koje se koriste u industrijskoj ...
The consumption of fish and fish-related products is increasing. Due to improved welfare and suggest...
Health, nutrition are the main factors for human beings. Fishes are the source of protein, vitamins,...
-The Norwegian Seafood Federation (FHL) has applied for approval of a new alternative method for pro...
Rapporten gir en evaluering av mulighetene for foredling og produkter fra restråstoff fra hvitfisk i...
The substantiation for using techniques of fish raw material canning has been presented, raw fish be...
Fish is a limited resource, and sustainability concerns arise as fish stocks and catches are decreas...
Providing safe-to-eat consumer fish products is a key objective for the Global Aquaculture Industry....