Motivation: Haplotype-aware genome assembly plays an important role in genetics, medicine and various other disciplines, yet generation of haplotype-resolved de novo assemblies remains a major challenge. Beyond distinguishing between errors and true sequential variants, one needs to assign the true variants to the different genome copies. Recent work has pointed out that the enormous quantities of traditional NGS read data have been greatly underexploited in terms of haplotig computation so far, which reflects that methodology for reference independent haplotig computation has not yet reached maturity.Results: We present POLYploid genome fitTEr (POLYTE) as a new approach to de novo generation of haplotigs for diploid and polyploid genomes o...
Abstract Background Recent developments in third-gen long read sequencing and diploid-aware assemble...
While genome sequencing and assembly are now routine, we do not have a full, precise picture of poly...
The goal of haplotype assembly is to infer haplotypes of an individual from a mixture of sequenced c...
International audienceMotivation: Haplotype aware genome assembly plays an important role in genetic...
As the more recent next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide longer read sequences, the ...
Capturing all genetic variation within a polyploid organism is a challenge. Most current de novo ass...
MOTIVATION: Reconstructing high-quality haplotype-resolved assemblies for related individuals has im...
Many phenotypes such as genetic disorders may be hereditary while others may be influenced by the en...
Background: Haplotype information is essential for many genetic and genomic analyses, including geno...
Genomics has paved a new way to comprehend life and its evolution, and also to investigate causes of...
Genomics has paved a new way to comprehend life and its evolution, and also to investigate causes of...
Background: Inference of haplotypes, or the sequence of alleles along the same chromosomes, is a fun...
Identifying phase information is biomedically important due to the association of complex haplotype ...
Luo X. Computational Methods for Haplotype-aware De Novo Genome Assembly from Long Reads. Bielefeld:...
Haplotypes are the units of inheritance in an organism, and many genetic analyses depend on their pr...
Abstract Background Recent developments in third-gen long read sequencing and diploid-aware assemble...
While genome sequencing and assembly are now routine, we do not have a full, precise picture of poly...
The goal of haplotype assembly is to infer haplotypes of an individual from a mixture of sequenced c...
International audienceMotivation: Haplotype aware genome assembly plays an important role in genetic...
As the more recent next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide longer read sequences, the ...
Capturing all genetic variation within a polyploid organism is a challenge. Most current de novo ass...
MOTIVATION: Reconstructing high-quality haplotype-resolved assemblies for related individuals has im...
Many phenotypes such as genetic disorders may be hereditary while others may be influenced by the en...
Background: Haplotype information is essential for many genetic and genomic analyses, including geno...
Genomics has paved a new way to comprehend life and its evolution, and also to investigate causes of...
Genomics has paved a new way to comprehend life and its evolution, and also to investigate causes of...
Background: Inference of haplotypes, or the sequence of alleles along the same chromosomes, is a fun...
Identifying phase information is biomedically important due to the association of complex haplotype ...
Luo X. Computational Methods for Haplotype-aware De Novo Genome Assembly from Long Reads. Bielefeld:...
Haplotypes are the units of inheritance in an organism, and many genetic analyses depend on their pr...
Abstract Background Recent developments in third-gen long read sequencing and diploid-aware assemble...
While genome sequencing and assembly are now routine, we do not have a full, precise picture of poly...
The goal of haplotype assembly is to infer haplotypes of an individual from a mixture of sequenced c...