Of Cerastium holosteoides Fr. three subspecies occur in the Netherlands. Subsp. triviale (Murb.) Möschl is common throughout the country, subsp. holosteoides and subsp. pseudoholosteoides Möschl are very rare and only found in a few localities in the tidal area of our larger rivers (island of Dordrecht; Biesbosch). The three subspecies may be distinguished as follows: 1. Leaves hairy above. Indumentum of the plant consisting of long, very acute hairs, whether or not mixed with glandular ones.............. subsp. triviale 1’. Leaves glabrous above, at most ciliate at the margin. 2. Indumentum of the plant consisting of very acute hairs, which are, however, shorter than in subsp. triviale; glandular hairs present or lacking (fig. 1, b-c) subs...
469 Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. corbierei (Salmon & Travis) Cullen, originally distinguished ...
In the Netherlands, usually only one Leucanthemum species is recognised, L. vulgare Lam. Recent fiel...
This paper deals with the flora and vegetation of two small woods in the northern part of the prov. ...
Of Cerastium holosteoides Fr. three subspecies occur in the Netherlands. Subsp. triviale (Murb.) Mös...
Als conclusie van ons onderzoek kunnen wij stellen, dat a. het juister is om Cerastium holosteoides ...
Recent maakte T. Karlsson in Flora Nordica een eind aan de verwarring rond de identiteit kan de plan...
Gegenstand dieses Berichts ist der Erstfund des Großfrüchtigen Hornkrautes Cerastium lucorum (Schur)...
In 1935 the present author reported the occurrence of this N. American species in the eastern part o...
It is the author’s opinion that Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L. can be subdivided into two subspecies, wh...
Cerastium arvense, spec. nov. 5. Cerastium foliis lineari-lanceolatis obtusis glabris, corollis cal...
De verspreiding van sieralgen in Nederland is voor veel soorten slecht bekend. Het geringe aantal on...
Bromus erectus, a rare grass in the Netherlands and hitherto almost confined to the Chalk and Fluvia...
The author discusses the occurrence of three species of Aster: A. lanceolatus Willd., A. salignus Wi...
The opinion of Ehrendorfer & Krendl (1976) concerning the delimitation of the genera Asperula, Cruci...
New indigenous species are Conopodium majus and Vulpia membranacea, and the recently recorded hybrid...
469 Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. corbierei (Salmon & Travis) Cullen, originally distinguished ...
In the Netherlands, usually only one Leucanthemum species is recognised, L. vulgare Lam. Recent fiel...
This paper deals with the flora and vegetation of two small woods in the northern part of the prov. ...
Of Cerastium holosteoides Fr. three subspecies occur in the Netherlands. Subsp. triviale (Murb.) Mös...
Als conclusie van ons onderzoek kunnen wij stellen, dat a. het juister is om Cerastium holosteoides ...
Recent maakte T. Karlsson in Flora Nordica een eind aan de verwarring rond de identiteit kan de plan...
Gegenstand dieses Berichts ist der Erstfund des Großfrüchtigen Hornkrautes Cerastium lucorum (Schur)...
In 1935 the present author reported the occurrence of this N. American species in the eastern part o...
It is the author’s opinion that Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L. can be subdivided into two subspecies, wh...
Cerastium arvense, spec. nov. 5. Cerastium foliis lineari-lanceolatis obtusis glabris, corollis cal...
De verspreiding van sieralgen in Nederland is voor veel soorten slecht bekend. Het geringe aantal on...
Bromus erectus, a rare grass in the Netherlands and hitherto almost confined to the Chalk and Fluvia...
The author discusses the occurrence of three species of Aster: A. lanceolatus Willd., A. salignus Wi...
The opinion of Ehrendorfer & Krendl (1976) concerning the delimitation of the genera Asperula, Cruci...
New indigenous species are Conopodium majus and Vulpia membranacea, and the recently recorded hybrid...
469 Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. corbierei (Salmon & Travis) Cullen, originally distinguished ...
In the Netherlands, usually only one Leucanthemum species is recognised, L. vulgare Lam. Recent fiel...
This paper deals with the flora and vegetation of two small woods in the northern part of the prov. ...