The information content which can be expected from the advanced very high resolution radiometer system, AVHRR, on the NOAA-6 satellite was assessed, and systematic techniques of data interpretation for use with meteorological satellite data were defined. In-house data from LANDSAT 2 and 3 were used to simulate the spatial, spectral, and sampling methods of the NOAA-6 satellite data
Simulated scanner system data values generated in support of LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experi...
A series of test products were developed from LANDSAT data sets for North Central Texas that paralle...
Various applications of satellite remote sensing of the earth are reviewed, including (1) the use of...
When using the J. V. Dave dataset, two channels of simulated METSAT advanced very high resolution ra...
The development of the cloud indicator index (CII) for use with METSAT's advanced very high resoluti...
The author has identified the following significant results. Fine resolution M7 multispectral scanne...
Local area coverage data acquired aboard the TIROS-N satellite family by the advanced very high reso...
Progress is reported for several projects involving the utilization of LANDSAT remote sensing capabi...
The effect on LANDSAT data of a Sun angle correction, an intersatellite LANDSAT-2 and LANDSAT-3 data...
Research supporting the use of remote sensing for inventory and assessment of agricultural commoditi...
The series of LANDSAT sensors with the highest potential data rates of the missions were examined. A...
A tool for monitoring the extent of major floods was developed using data collected by the NOAA-6 ad...
A seminar was organized by NASA to acquaint the meteorological community with data now available, an...
The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT imagery can be operationally ap...
Program objectives, covering a wide range of disciplines and activities in radar remote sensing, inc...
Simulated scanner system data values generated in support of LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experi...
A series of test products were developed from LANDSAT data sets for North Central Texas that paralle...
Various applications of satellite remote sensing of the earth are reviewed, including (1) the use of...
When using the J. V. Dave dataset, two channels of simulated METSAT advanced very high resolution ra...
The development of the cloud indicator index (CII) for use with METSAT's advanced very high resoluti...
The author has identified the following significant results. Fine resolution M7 multispectral scanne...
Local area coverage data acquired aboard the TIROS-N satellite family by the advanced very high reso...
Progress is reported for several projects involving the utilization of LANDSAT remote sensing capabi...
The effect on LANDSAT data of a Sun angle correction, an intersatellite LANDSAT-2 and LANDSAT-3 data...
Research supporting the use of remote sensing for inventory and assessment of agricultural commoditi...
The series of LANDSAT sensors with the highest potential data rates of the missions were examined. A...
A tool for monitoring the extent of major floods was developed using data collected by the NOAA-6 ad...
A seminar was organized by NASA to acquaint the meteorological community with data now available, an...
The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT imagery can be operationally ap...
Program objectives, covering a wide range of disciplines and activities in radar remote sensing, inc...
Simulated scanner system data values generated in support of LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experi...
A series of test products were developed from LANDSAT data sets for North Central Texas that paralle...
Various applications of satellite remote sensing of the earth are reviewed, including (1) the use of...