Three multifrequency, dual polarization SAR antenna designs are reviewed. The SAR antenna design specifications were for a "straw man' SAR which would approximate the requirements for projected shuttle-based SAR's. Therefore, the physical dimensions were constrained to be compatible with the space shuttle. The electrical specifications were similar to those of SIR-A and SIR-B with the addition of dual polarization and the addition of C and X band operation. Early in the antenna design considerations, three candidate technologies emerged as having promise. They were: (1) microstrip patch planar array antennas, (2) slotted waveguide planar array antennas, and (3) open-ended waveguide planar array antennas
The materials experiment carrier (MEC) is an optimized carrier for near term and advanced materials ...
A detailed experimental investigation was performed to determine the ion-optical performance of an e...
This is the third phase of a program to establish an antenna concept for shuttle and free flying spa...
Study of design for experimental L band supersonic transport communications/surveillance termina
The feasibility of classifying an airport terminal area for multipath effects, i.e., fadeout potenti...
A preliminary feasibility study of the microwave multi-applications payload (MMAP) system for the Sp...
Antenna systems capable of operating with a multichannel microwave radiometer intended for mapping s...
A pre-entry communications study is presented for a relay link between a Jupiter entry probe and a s...
The performance of satellite subsystems and the response of in-orbit payload systems are summarized....
Advanced studies are reviewed. Atmospheric sciences, magnetospheric physics, solar physics, gravitat...
Physical, functional, and operational interfaces between the space shuttle orbiter and the AMPS payl...
Six scientific objectives/experiments were derived which consisted of agriculture/forestry/range res...
High rate multiplexes asymmetry and jitter, data-dependent amplitude variations, and transition dens...
The AMPS to Spacelab Interface Control Document which is to be used as a guide for format and inform...
Evaluation and processing of scatterometer data for use in NASA Earth Resources Progra
The materials experiment carrier (MEC) is an optimized carrier for near term and advanced materials ...
A detailed experimental investigation was performed to determine the ion-optical performance of an e...
This is the third phase of a program to establish an antenna concept for shuttle and free flying spa...
Study of design for experimental L band supersonic transport communications/surveillance termina
The feasibility of classifying an airport terminal area for multipath effects, i.e., fadeout potenti...
A preliminary feasibility study of the microwave multi-applications payload (MMAP) system for the Sp...
Antenna systems capable of operating with a multichannel microwave radiometer intended for mapping s...
A pre-entry communications study is presented for a relay link between a Jupiter entry probe and a s...
The performance of satellite subsystems and the response of in-orbit payload systems are summarized....
Advanced studies are reviewed. Atmospheric sciences, magnetospheric physics, solar physics, gravitat...
Physical, functional, and operational interfaces between the space shuttle orbiter and the AMPS payl...
Six scientific objectives/experiments were derived which consisted of agriculture/forestry/range res...
High rate multiplexes asymmetry and jitter, data-dependent amplitude variations, and transition dens...
The AMPS to Spacelab Interface Control Document which is to be used as a guide for format and inform...
Evaluation and processing of scatterometer data for use in NASA Earth Resources Progra
The materials experiment carrier (MEC) is an optimized carrier for near term and advanced materials ...
A detailed experimental investigation was performed to determine the ion-optical performance of an e...
This is the third phase of a program to establish an antenna concept for shuttle and free flying spa...