The paper notes that before Arrian almost all Bithynian cultural eminences were from Nicaea (e. g. Hipparchus, Parthenius and originally Asclepiades, later of Myrleia) and few if any from Nicomedia, where it is not even clear whether rhetoric and philosophy were taught, as rhetoric was at Bithynion and philosophy at Prusa. So Arrian may have had his tertiary education at Athens. His subsequent career was chiefly outside Bithynia, as apparently were those of some near-contemporaries, Calpurnius Asclepiades from Prusa, (Cassius ?) Sacerdos (of AP 15.4-8) and Catillius Macer (honoured in Hadrianic Delphi) from Nicaea. Likewise Nicomedian πεπαιδευμένοι found overseas do not precede Arrian but follow him – the medical philosopher Menodotus, the ...