Lietuvoje vis populiaresnis tampa kultūrinis turizmas. Kauno rajono kurortinę vietovę sudarantys trys Nemuno pakrančių miesteliai - Kulautuva, dalis Zapyškio ir Kačerginė – lankytojus traukia gamtos grožiu ir sveikatos šaltinių galiomis, gerai išvystyta turizmo infrastruktūra, gausiais kultūros paveldo ištekliais. Tačiau reguliarios ekskursijos po Kačerginės, Zapyškio ir Kulautuvos miestelius nėra vykdomos. Šio darbo tyrimo objektas yra Kauno rajono kurortinę teritoriją sudarančių miestelių – Kulautuvos, dalies Zapyškio ir Kačerginės istorinė raida, nekilnojamieji kultūros paveldo objektai ir kultūrinio turizmo potencialas. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti ir įvertinti Kauno rajono kurortinės teritorijos nekilnojamųjų kultūros paveldo išteklių t...
The object of this article is the publishing work of Lithuanian museums. Of late years, the problem ...
Lithuania’s archaeological sites of the Late Palaeolithic and earliest Mesolithic have no absolute c...
The origin of the term švietimas may be found at the turn of the 18th century in the Age of Enlighte...
Nors Kauno miestas ir yra plačiai tyrinėtas, tačiau tam tikros jo zonos yra primirštos. Viena iš tok...
Excavation of burial mounds of East Lithuania began in the middle of the 19th century. Over one thir...
Stiklo dirbinių poreikis šiaurinėje Europos dalyje ženkliai išaugo tik XVI amžiuje, nors pati stikli...
The history of Lithuanian soviet-period archaeology has not been written yet for several reasons. Am...
The Jagiellonian idea could be analyzed as an analytical category possessing cultural and spatial me...
In the global society, different cities accommodate the same agendas of urban actions and movements ...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos kultūros studijos. Autorius analizuoja tris laikotarpius: 1) tarpu...
There is a broad consensus that public institutions must constantly change in order to provide high ...
The study of what is known as the Amber Road has a long tradition in Poland and few others countries...
The aim of this article is to find the best guide to Klaipeda’s culture. “Guide” means an appropriat...
Twenty years of development in a town’s history is not a long period of time especially provided tha...
The concept of urban heritage value in the mind of the humankind is relatively new. Protection of ur...
The object of this article is the publishing work of Lithuanian museums. Of late years, the problem ...
Lithuania’s archaeological sites of the Late Palaeolithic and earliest Mesolithic have no absolute c...
The origin of the term švietimas may be found at the turn of the 18th century in the Age of Enlighte...
Nors Kauno miestas ir yra plačiai tyrinėtas, tačiau tam tikros jo zonos yra primirštos. Viena iš tok...
Excavation of burial mounds of East Lithuania began in the middle of the 19th century. Over one thir...
Stiklo dirbinių poreikis šiaurinėje Europos dalyje ženkliai išaugo tik XVI amžiuje, nors pati stikli...
The history of Lithuanian soviet-period archaeology has not been written yet for several reasons. Am...
The Jagiellonian idea could be analyzed as an analytical category possessing cultural and spatial me...
In the global society, different cities accommodate the same agendas of urban actions and movements ...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos kultūros studijos. Autorius analizuoja tris laikotarpius: 1) tarpu...
There is a broad consensus that public institutions must constantly change in order to provide high ...
The study of what is known as the Amber Road has a long tradition in Poland and few others countries...
The aim of this article is to find the best guide to Klaipeda’s culture. “Guide” means an appropriat...
Twenty years of development in a town’s history is not a long period of time especially provided tha...
The concept of urban heritage value in the mind of the humankind is relatively new. Protection of ur...
The object of this article is the publishing work of Lithuanian museums. Of late years, the problem ...
Lithuania’s archaeological sites of the Late Palaeolithic and earliest Mesolithic have no absolute c...
The origin of the term švietimas may be found at the turn of the 18th century in the Age of Enlighte...