1. Транспортно-логістичні центри: зарубіжний досвід [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://www.lobanov-logist.ru/library/all_articles/57650/. 2. Connecting to Compete 2010 : The Logistics Performance Index and Its Indicators / J.Arvis, M. Alina Mustra, L. Ojala, B. Shepherd. – Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010. – 64 с. – (Trade Logistics in the Global Economy). Науковий керівник - д.е.н., професор Янчук М.Б.Однією з основних тенденцій сучасних економічних відносин є перехід пріоритетів від ринку виробника до ринку покупця. У зв'язку з цим здатність поєднати виробництво, систему планування з індивідуальними купівельними перевагами стає вирішальним фактором у конкурентній боротьбі і економіці майбутнього. Як наслідок, шви...
1. В якому стані українські аеропорти [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://cutt....
The object of study is the inventory management in the enterprise. The basic inventory control model...
In this article we study multiplicative meromorphic functions and differentials on Riemann surfaces ...
1. Kulik V.A. Logistychnyj management: Navch. posib. / V.A. Kulik, M.Yu. Grigorak, L.V. Kostyuchenko...
1. Customer Service: zachem on nuzhen i kak eho prokachat, access at 13.03.2021 [Electronic source]....
In the literature there is a lot of works related to fixed point theory. The theory has many applica...
Public service in its modern domestic sense appeared relatively recently in connection with the adop...
The article explores a different, supplementary way to assess and manage a particular type of bankin...
1. War in Ukraine: economy, business, logistics, aid. URL: https://trans.info/en/viyna-v ukrayini-ek...
The article touches upon the basic conditions of doing business in the framework of the particular e...
1) European B2C E'commerce Report. (2016). Retrieved from https://www.ecommerceeurope.eu/app/uploads...
Safe and reliable communication is becoming critical for businesses. Digital ecosystems are essentia...
Visualization in modern advertising can be presented as a strategy of virtual communication creoliza...
Essence of economic integration of a jobshop in the context of their competitiveness rising is deter...
The main idea of this paper is to present two different approaches in researching social responses ...
1. В якому стані українські аеропорти [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://cutt....
The object of study is the inventory management in the enterprise. The basic inventory control model...
In this article we study multiplicative meromorphic functions and differentials on Riemann surfaces ...
1. Kulik V.A. Logistychnyj management: Navch. posib. / V.A. Kulik, M.Yu. Grigorak, L.V. Kostyuchenko...
1. Customer Service: zachem on nuzhen i kak eho prokachat, access at 13.03.2021 [Electronic source]....
In the literature there is a lot of works related to fixed point theory. The theory has many applica...
Public service in its modern domestic sense appeared relatively recently in connection with the adop...
The article explores a different, supplementary way to assess and manage a particular type of bankin...
1. War in Ukraine: economy, business, logistics, aid. URL: https://trans.info/en/viyna-v ukrayini-ek...
The article touches upon the basic conditions of doing business in the framework of the particular e...
1) European B2C E'commerce Report. (2016). Retrieved from https://www.ecommerceeurope.eu/app/uploads...
Safe and reliable communication is becoming critical for businesses. Digital ecosystems are essentia...
Visualization in modern advertising can be presented as a strategy of virtual communication creoliza...
Essence of economic integration of a jobshop in the context of their competitiveness rising is deter...
The main idea of this paper is to present two different approaches in researching social responses ...
1. В якому стані українські аеропорти [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://cutt....
The object of study is the inventory management in the enterprise. The basic inventory control model...
In this article we study multiplicative meromorphic functions and differentials on Riemann surfaces ...