A several kilowatt power level, fast-variable linear resistor was synthesized by using analog components to control the conductance of power MOSFETs. Risetimes observed have been as short as 500 ns with respect to the control signal and 1 to 2 microseconds with respect to the power source voltage. A variant configuration of this load that dissipates a constant power set by a control signal is indicated. Replacement of the MOSFETs by static induction transistors (SITs) to increase power handling, speed and radiation hardness is discussed
This thesis was submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Ov...
Memory device whose threshold voltage can be altered reproducibly by applied voltage puls
A new form of transistor series regulated power supply is presented which permits unusually good pe...
Speed required for Sisyphus experiment on Pioneer probe was attained at supply voltage well within c...
This work involved developing spacequalifiable switch mode DC/DC power supplies that improve perform...
Micropower transistor logic circuits designed to operate from power supply voltages which vary with ...
Electrical pulse generator uses power transistors and silicon controlled rectifiers for producing a ...
As their switching and power handling characteristics improve, solid-state devices are finding new a...
A transistorized regulator converter efficiently converts fluctuating input voltages to a constant o...
Switching and circuit studies for development of low input voltage converter and regulato
This paper reports the design and test results on novel topology, high-efficiency, and low operating...
Voltage controlled, variable frequency relaxation oscillator with MOSFET variable current fee
The factors which limit the power handling capacity of ordinary transistors are examined and it is s...
Linear power supplies are often used in downhole applications to avoid generation of noise associate...
Two independent models simulate dynamic and steady-state responses of electrical and electronic equi...
This thesis was submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Ov...
Memory device whose threshold voltage can be altered reproducibly by applied voltage puls
A new form of transistor series regulated power supply is presented which permits unusually good pe...
Speed required for Sisyphus experiment on Pioneer probe was attained at supply voltage well within c...
This work involved developing spacequalifiable switch mode DC/DC power supplies that improve perform...
Micropower transistor logic circuits designed to operate from power supply voltages which vary with ...
Electrical pulse generator uses power transistors and silicon controlled rectifiers for producing a ...
As their switching and power handling characteristics improve, solid-state devices are finding new a...
A transistorized regulator converter efficiently converts fluctuating input voltages to a constant o...
Switching and circuit studies for development of low input voltage converter and regulato
This paper reports the design and test results on novel topology, high-efficiency, and low operating...
Voltage controlled, variable frequency relaxation oscillator with MOSFET variable current fee
The factors which limit the power handling capacity of ordinary transistors are examined and it is s...
Linear power supplies are often used in downhole applications to avoid generation of noise associate...
Two independent models simulate dynamic and steady-state responses of electrical and electronic equi...
This thesis was submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Ov...
Memory device whose threshold voltage can be altered reproducibly by applied voltage puls
A new form of transistor series regulated power supply is presented which permits unusually good pe...