Eclogites discovered on southwestern Pijao, Central Cordillera (Colombia Andes), are enriched in almandine (Xalm = 0.50-0.58; XFe = 0.69-0.83) and grossular (Xgrs = 0.25-0.30), with lesser amounts of pyrope (Xprp = 0.12-0.23), and relatively low spessartine (Xsps = 0.01-0.05), and the omphacite the contents of jadeite, acmite and augite in the analyzed clinopyroxene are 7.00, 3.19 and 89.80 mol%; XMg= 0.82. The eclogites underwent a clockwise PT trajectory with a post-Ppeak (at 10.5 kbar and 535°C) slight increase of temperature to a maximum (Tpeak) about 8.5 kbar and 575°C and a subsequent cooling during decompression to about 4.5 kbar and 530°C.Geochemical data indicate protoliths that correspond to basalts from normal type mid-ocean ridg...
L Equateur est localisé le long de la marge nord-ouest du continent sud américain. D est en ouest, l...
In parallel to structural and metamorphlc studies, geochronologlcal Investigations have been initiat...
The presence of stilpnomelane and chloritoid in schists of the Arquía Complex in the western sector ...
Eclogites discovered on southwestern Pijao, Central Cordillera (Colombia Andes), are enriched in alm...
Las rocas de alta presión encontradas en la Península de La Guajira, comprenden principalmente eclog...
Close to the Pacho town it is exposed a basic intrusive body of conic morphology, named as Gabbro Tr...
ilustraciones, fotografías, graficas, mapasLas rocas de alta presión del Complejo Arquía, Cordillera...
Na ilha Diego de Almagro, localizada na Patagônia Chilena, ocorrem metabasitos de alta pressão que c...
The Colombian Basic Igneous Complex is restricted at Colombian Western and it is composed by volcani...
En el Segmento Norte de La Cordillera Occidental de Colombia, al norte del Cinturón plegado de Itsmi...
Se conocen varias intrusiones básicas en la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia y una de ellas esla que ...
The chemical composition of eclogites, found as boulders in a Tertiary conglomerate from the Guajira...
The chemical composition of eclogites, found as boulders in a Tertiary conglomerate from the Guajira...
The central Andes are characterized by high reliefs (Eastern and Western Cordilleras) and an high pl...
Ecuador is located along the north-western margin of South American. From east to west, comprise thr...
L Equateur est localisé le long de la marge nord-ouest du continent sud américain. D est en ouest, l...
In parallel to structural and metamorphlc studies, geochronologlcal Investigations have been initiat...
The presence of stilpnomelane and chloritoid in schists of the Arquía Complex in the western sector ...
Eclogites discovered on southwestern Pijao, Central Cordillera (Colombia Andes), are enriched in alm...
Las rocas de alta presión encontradas en la Península de La Guajira, comprenden principalmente eclog...
Close to the Pacho town it is exposed a basic intrusive body of conic morphology, named as Gabbro Tr...
ilustraciones, fotografías, graficas, mapasLas rocas de alta presión del Complejo Arquía, Cordillera...
Na ilha Diego de Almagro, localizada na Patagônia Chilena, ocorrem metabasitos de alta pressão que c...
The Colombian Basic Igneous Complex is restricted at Colombian Western and it is composed by volcani...
En el Segmento Norte de La Cordillera Occidental de Colombia, al norte del Cinturón plegado de Itsmi...
Se conocen varias intrusiones básicas en la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia y una de ellas esla que ...
The chemical composition of eclogites, found as boulders in a Tertiary conglomerate from the Guajira...
The chemical composition of eclogites, found as boulders in a Tertiary conglomerate from the Guajira...
The central Andes are characterized by high reliefs (Eastern and Western Cordilleras) and an high pl...
Ecuador is located along the north-western margin of South American. From east to west, comprise thr...
L Equateur est localisé le long de la marge nord-ouest du continent sud américain. D est en ouest, l...
In parallel to structural and metamorphlc studies, geochronologlcal Investigations have been initiat...
The presence of stilpnomelane and chloritoid in schists of the Arquía Complex in the western sector ...