Monalonion velezangeli is considered one of the most harmful pests of avocado cv. Hass, as far as it attacks vegetative buds, flowers and fruits during all the productive stages of the crop. This situation is aggravated by the lack of knowledge on insect preferences and their relationship with crop phenology. As a contribution to the management of this insect, we studied the relationship between plant phenology and the presence of M. velezangeli, as well as its preferences across tree strata and structures. Data were obtained from six orchards located in the Colombian departments of Antioquia, Caldas and Quindío. After randomly selecting 20 trees at each orchard, 12 branches were marked on each tree, covering the combinations of the four ca...
The avocado fruit borer, Stenoma catenifer (Wals.) has been a limiting factor in growing avocados ov...
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the lace bug Pseudacysta perseae and to i...
The tamarind is an important fruit for small producers of the nearby western of Antioquia because it...
Abstract. Monalonion velezangeli is considered one of the most harmful pests of avocado cv. Hass, as...
The severity of the damage caused by the avocado whitefly (Paraleyrodes sp. pos. bondari) and the di...
In a survey carried out on avocado insect pests in Villamaria (Caldas, Colombia), for the first time...
The whitefly is a major pest that affects avocado and there is not enough information about the biol...
Resumen. La chinche monalonion, coclicllo o chupanga(Monalonion velezangeli) causa daños en brotes t...
Monalonion velezangeli Carvalho and Costa (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a polyphagous plant bug recognized...
The aim of this study was to identify predatory insects and arachnids of pest insects, associated wi...
The severity of the damage caused by the avocado whitefly (Paraleyrodes sp. pos. bondari) and the di...
The avocado is one of the perennial crops of major economic importance in Mexico, like any other cro...
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the lace bug Pseudacysta perseae and to i...
Puerto Rico reported several insects in soursop (Annona muricata L.) and avocado (Persea americana M...
Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of avocado, Persea americana Mill. (Lauraceae) were collected i...
The avocado fruit borer, Stenoma catenifer (Wals.) has been a limiting factor in growing avocados ov...
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the lace bug Pseudacysta perseae and to i...
The tamarind is an important fruit for small producers of the nearby western of Antioquia because it...
Abstract. Monalonion velezangeli is considered one of the most harmful pests of avocado cv. Hass, as...
The severity of the damage caused by the avocado whitefly (Paraleyrodes sp. pos. bondari) and the di...
In a survey carried out on avocado insect pests in Villamaria (Caldas, Colombia), for the first time...
The whitefly is a major pest that affects avocado and there is not enough information about the biol...
Resumen. La chinche monalonion, coclicllo o chupanga(Monalonion velezangeli) causa daños en brotes t...
Monalonion velezangeli Carvalho and Costa (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a polyphagous plant bug recognized...
The aim of this study was to identify predatory insects and arachnids of pest insects, associated wi...
The severity of the damage caused by the avocado whitefly (Paraleyrodes sp. pos. bondari) and the di...
The avocado is one of the perennial crops of major economic importance in Mexico, like any other cro...
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the lace bug Pseudacysta perseae and to i...
Puerto Rico reported several insects in soursop (Annona muricata L.) and avocado (Persea americana M...
Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of avocado, Persea americana Mill. (Lauraceae) were collected i...
The avocado fruit borer, Stenoma catenifer (Wals.) has been a limiting factor in growing avocados ov...
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the lace bug Pseudacysta perseae and to i...
The tamarind is an important fruit for small producers of the nearby western of Antioquia because it...