Editorial introduction: Green City Challenge and Strategies

  • Fitriaty Puteri
  • Son Yong-Hoon
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Publication date
April 2019
International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development


The Green City concept is a concept usually associated with the safety of the environment and puts the environment as an essential aspect in achieving sustainable development. The concept is delivered through different layers of planning and design, covering the micro, meso and macro scales of the city (Shen & Fitriaty, 2018). In response to the tantalising challenges, scholars and practitioners put every effort into creating possible solutions and strategies for obtaining an ideal Green City to be implemented at different city levels. In an attempt to realise such a city, adapted to the green concept, the five articles in this special issue present challenges and strategies across various scales and components of the city and discuss diffe...

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