This paper aims to contribute in understanding the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms in metallic materials under high cycle multiaxial fatigue loadings. It addresses proportional and non-proportional multiaxial loading conditions with the analysis and observation of the cyclic plasticity development (mainly persistent slip band) until crack initiation (especially short cracks) on a pure oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) polycristalline copper. Observation and analysis techniques are based mainly on optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It has been observed that the plastic slip multiplicity in grains seems more important for multiaxial loadings at a stress level corresponding to the same median fatigue strength at...
Abstract : This work aims to better understanding mechanisms leading to crack initiation in ductile ...
In this work, an analysis of both the mechanical response at the grain scale and high cycle multiaxi...
International audienceThis paper aims at a deeper understanding of mechanisms leading to crack initi...
AbstractThis paper aims to contribute in understanding the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms in me...
This paper aims to contribute in understanding the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms in metallic m...
Résumé : Cette étude a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes précurseurs de l'amorçage de...
International audienceWhen ductile single-phase metallic materials are subjected to stress magnitude...
It is commonly accepted that fatigue crack is initiated under tensile fatigue stresses. However, pra...
Understanding the crack initiation and propagation mechanisms of a polycrystalline ma-terial under c...
The process of fatigue crack nucleation in metallic materials is reviewed placing emphasis in result...
In order to improve the link between results on the cyclic behavior of single crystals and polycryst...
Studies on the cyclic response and the substructure evolution of copper polycrystals have been carri...
A study is made to determine the surface microstructure behavior of high purity polycrystalline copp...
Abstract. Equal channel angular pressing is one of severe plastic deformation methods often used for...
This study aims to analyse the influence of geometrical defects (notches and holes) on the high cycl...
Abstract : This work aims to better understanding mechanisms leading to crack initiation in ductile ...
In this work, an analysis of both the mechanical response at the grain scale and high cycle multiaxi...
International audienceThis paper aims at a deeper understanding of mechanisms leading to crack initi...
AbstractThis paper aims to contribute in understanding the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms in me...
This paper aims to contribute in understanding the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms in metallic m...
Résumé : Cette étude a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes précurseurs de l'amorçage de...
International audienceWhen ductile single-phase metallic materials are subjected to stress magnitude...
It is commonly accepted that fatigue crack is initiated under tensile fatigue stresses. However, pra...
Understanding the crack initiation and propagation mechanisms of a polycrystalline ma-terial under c...
The process of fatigue crack nucleation in metallic materials is reviewed placing emphasis in result...
In order to improve the link between results on the cyclic behavior of single crystals and polycryst...
Studies on the cyclic response and the substructure evolution of copper polycrystals have been carri...
A study is made to determine the surface microstructure behavior of high purity polycrystalline copp...
Abstract. Equal channel angular pressing is one of severe plastic deformation methods often used for...
This study aims to analyse the influence of geometrical defects (notches and holes) on the high cycl...
Abstract : This work aims to better understanding mechanisms leading to crack initiation in ductile ...
In this work, an analysis of both the mechanical response at the grain scale and high cycle multiaxi...
International audienceThis paper aims at a deeper understanding of mechanisms leading to crack initi...