Pada era teknologi sekarang ini, semakin banyak terjadinya kejahatan dalam bidang teknologi atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Cyber Crime, yang mana kejahatan-kejahatan tersebut selalu berkembang setiap tahunnya. Banyaknya kasus-kasus Cyber Crime tersebut tentu meresahkan masyrakat, sehingga diciptkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik Dan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik. Namun tidak semua kejahatan yang terjadi dapat dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang ITE tersebut, ada banyak kasus-kasus kejahatan siber yang tidak ada perlindungan hukumnya sehingga hal ini membuat adanya kekosongan hukum.In today...
The development of technology and information that is increasingly sophisticated, has made humans in...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
Perkembangan teknologi informasi menimbulkan dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Dampak positifnya ad...
Abuse of the internet is also proven by the frequent finding of crimes through the internet network....
Abuse of the internet is also proven by the frequent finding of crimes through the internet network....
Kemajuan teknologi telah mengubah struktur masyarakat dari yang bersifat lokal menuju ke arah masyar...
Cyber Crime merupakan kejahatan yang timbul karena dampak negatif pemanfaatan teknologi internet. Cy...
Cyber crime merupakan bentuk kejahatan yang terjadi pada dunia maya atau internet. Munculnya beberap...
Increasingly increasing the Information Technology also positive and negative impact. The positive a...
The development in the field of technology is currently experiencing rapid progress. Technology that...
Kemajuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi berdampak sangat besar bagi pekembangan hukum dan kehidu...
The existence of the internet in human life is very supportive of all forms of human activity in tod...
The development of information and communication technology have big influence in various fields of...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
The development of technology and information that is increasingly sophisticated, has made humans in...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
Perkembangan teknologi informasi menimbulkan dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Dampak positifnya ad...
Abuse of the internet is also proven by the frequent finding of crimes through the internet network....
Abuse of the internet is also proven by the frequent finding of crimes through the internet network....
Kemajuan teknologi telah mengubah struktur masyarakat dari yang bersifat lokal menuju ke arah masyar...
Cyber Crime merupakan kejahatan yang timbul karena dampak negatif pemanfaatan teknologi internet. Cy...
Cyber crime merupakan bentuk kejahatan yang terjadi pada dunia maya atau internet. Munculnya beberap...
Increasingly increasing the Information Technology also positive and negative impact. The positive a...
The development in the field of technology is currently experiencing rapid progress. Technology that...
Kemajuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi berdampak sangat besar bagi pekembangan hukum dan kehidu...
The existence of the internet in human life is very supportive of all forms of human activity in tod...
The development of information and communication technology have big influence in various fields of...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
The development of technology and information that is increasingly sophisticated, has made humans in...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...
Science and technology are increasingly developing rapidly and advancing, offering various interacti...