The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tree diameter and juvenile wood on acoustic wave propagation in standing trees. Two-layer tree models with various diameters and proportions of juvenile wood were constructed to examine the effects of these two factors on propagation patterns and velocity of acoustic waves. The simulation results and analysis indicated that acoustic wave propagation in trees is dependent on both tree diameter and propagation distance. In the context of time-of-flight (TOF) acoustic measurement on standing trees with a test span of 1.2 m, when tree diameter is 10 cm or less, or slenderness is twelve or greater, wave propagates as quasi-plane waves in tree trunk, and the tree velocity determined us...
The within-tree variation of longitudinal wave velocities in Acacia auriculiformis (AA), Eucalyptus ...
Several acoustic techniques have been used to determine elastic and damping properties of trees, log...
Non-destructive testing based on sound wave propagation has been used widely to estimate wood qualit...
The use of acoustic waves for assessing wood properties in standing trees has been investigated exte...
The propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves from measurements in trees is numerically different fro...
Acoustic wave velocities in standing trees or live softwood species were measured by the time-of-fli...
Acoustic wave velocities in standing trees of five softwood species were measured by the time-of-fli...
Acoustic velocities measured on standing trees using time-of-flight (TOF) devices have been found to...
International audienceAbstract• ContextThe quality of acoustic tomographic images in standing trees ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate variations between the velocity of ultrasonic wave propa...
Acoustic technologies are an established means of measuring wood stiffness. Acoustic tools are usef...
The purchase price of any forest plantation depends on the quality of its raw wood, and specifically...
Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among...
Ultrasonic tests were performed in the main directions at 300 kHz in poplar and spruce reaction wood...
The objective of this study was to evaluate variations between the velocity of ultrasonic wave propa...
The within-tree variation of longitudinal wave velocities in Acacia auriculiformis (AA), Eucalyptus ...
Several acoustic techniques have been used to determine elastic and damping properties of trees, log...
Non-destructive testing based on sound wave propagation has been used widely to estimate wood qualit...
The use of acoustic waves for assessing wood properties in standing trees has been investigated exte...
The propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves from measurements in trees is numerically different fro...
Acoustic wave velocities in standing trees or live softwood species were measured by the time-of-fli...
Acoustic wave velocities in standing trees of five softwood species were measured by the time-of-fli...
Acoustic velocities measured on standing trees using time-of-flight (TOF) devices have been found to...
International audienceAbstract• ContextThe quality of acoustic tomographic images in standing trees ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate variations between the velocity of ultrasonic wave propa...
Acoustic technologies are an established means of measuring wood stiffness. Acoustic tools are usef...
The purchase price of any forest plantation depends on the quality of its raw wood, and specifically...
Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among...
Ultrasonic tests were performed in the main directions at 300 kHz in poplar and spruce reaction wood...
The objective of this study was to evaluate variations between the velocity of ultrasonic wave propa...
The within-tree variation of longitudinal wave velocities in Acacia auriculiformis (AA), Eucalyptus ...
Several acoustic techniques have been used to determine elastic and damping properties of trees, log...
Non-destructive testing based on sound wave propagation has been used widely to estimate wood qualit...