Ýmsar tæknibreytingar hafa átt sér stað á undanförnum áratugum og hefur slíkt haft margvíslegar afleiðingar í för með sér. Tilkoma samfélagsmiðla hefur boðið upp á ýmis tækifæri, bæði til samskipta, umræðu um ýmis málefni á meðal almennings og þátttöku á sviði stjórnmála, bæði hefðbundinna og óhefðbundinna, líkt og í fjöldahreyfingum. Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er þá að komast að því að hvaða leyti fyrirkomulag fjöldahreyfinga hefur breyst með tilkomu samfélagsmiðla. Verður slíkt gert með því að skoða tvær fjöldahreyfingar sem snúa að álíka málefnum en áttu sér stað á tveimur mismunandi tímabilum, annars vegar baráttan fyrir borgaralegum réttindum (e. The Civil Rights Movement) og hins vegar Black Lives Matter hreyfingin. Niðurstöður rannsó...
Black Lives Matter protests and rallies erupted in the summer of 2020 following several cases of pol...
Social media is growing as a technological and social phenomenon, with billions of people using it e...
Towards the beginning of the year of 2020, there were three major killings of black people: Ahmaud A...
Ovaj rad bavi se modernim društvenim pokretom poznatim pod nazivom Black Lives Matter koji je nastao...
The goal of this research was to investigate the varying impacts a social movement like the Black Li...
This study’s purpose is, through content analysis, to interpret the portrayal of the human-rights mo...
The Black Lives Matter movement rose as a force against the oppression and systematic violence of bl...
This paper examines affiliation with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement using the constructivism ...
This study aims to determine the transnational process of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Uni...
The movement and protests under Black Lives Matter (BLM) in the postmodern times have opened a huge ...
This study discusses the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement as a new social movement in th...
Utjecaj društvenih medija na komunikaciju u današnjem je dobu sve veći. Razna društvena pitanja pota...
This study explores the discourse surrounding an event in the social movement, Black Lives Matter, t...
Using the contexts of institutionalized racism, ideological dogmatism, and oppression of people of c...
My dissertation explores the role of racial ideologies and ideologically structured action in the fo...
Black Lives Matter protests and rallies erupted in the summer of 2020 following several cases of pol...
Social media is growing as a technological and social phenomenon, with billions of people using it e...
Towards the beginning of the year of 2020, there were three major killings of black people: Ahmaud A...
Ovaj rad bavi se modernim društvenim pokretom poznatim pod nazivom Black Lives Matter koji je nastao...
The goal of this research was to investigate the varying impacts a social movement like the Black Li...
This study’s purpose is, through content analysis, to interpret the portrayal of the human-rights mo...
The Black Lives Matter movement rose as a force against the oppression and systematic violence of bl...
This paper examines affiliation with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement using the constructivism ...
This study aims to determine the transnational process of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Uni...
The movement and protests under Black Lives Matter (BLM) in the postmodern times have opened a huge ...
This study discusses the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement as a new social movement in th...
Utjecaj društvenih medija na komunikaciju u današnjem je dobu sve veći. Razna društvena pitanja pota...
This study explores the discourse surrounding an event in the social movement, Black Lives Matter, t...
Using the contexts of institutionalized racism, ideological dogmatism, and oppression of people of c...
My dissertation explores the role of racial ideologies and ideologically structured action in the fo...
Black Lives Matter protests and rallies erupted in the summer of 2020 following several cases of pol...
Social media is growing as a technological and social phenomenon, with billions of people using it e...
Towards the beginning of the year of 2020, there were three major killings of black people: Ahmaud A...