Sara Madison, Jolene Doris, and woman

  • unknown
Publication date
November 2018
Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723;


This 1951 photograph showing Sara Madison (right), Jolene Doris and an unidentified woman is part of the Sara Madison Collection. The photograph was developed by Jack Rabbit in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Dr. Sara Jean Sutton Montgomery Madison (1931-2017) had a lifelong association with Western Carolina University, and was married to James A. Madison (1928-2015), grandson of the university’s founder, Robert Lee Madison (1867-1954). As a child, Sara lived in Davies Hall on the campus of Western Carolina University, and later on Buzzard’s Roost overlooking campus with her parents, Eddie Marie Wike Sutton and Ralph Coleman Sutton

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