Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established families, each of which has their own focus and strengths. For example, concrete counterexample generation in model checking, invariant inference in abstract interpretation and completeness via annotation for deductive verification. This creates a significant and fundamental usability problem as users may have to learn and use one technique to find potential problems but then need an entirely different one to show that they have been fixed. This paper presents a single, unified algorithm kIkI, which strictly generalises abstract interpretation, bounded model checking and k-induction. This not only combines the strengths of these techniques but allows them...
In a world where many human lives depend on the correct behavior of software systems, program verifi...
. This paper presents a particular approach to the design and verification of large sequential syste...
International audienceThis paper presents a minimal model of the functioning of program verification...
Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established families, eac...
Abstract. Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established fam...
From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: registration 2020-04-23, online 2020-05-18...
We present combined-case k-induction, a novel technique for verifying software programs. This techni...
Abstract. We present combined-case k-induction, a novel technique for veri-fying software programs. ...
The first attempts to apply the k-induction method to software verification are only recent. In this...
In this article, we revise our constraint-based abstraction refinement technique for checking tempor...
Abstract. We explore the combination of bounded model checking and induction for proving safety prop...
DepthK is a software verification tool that employs a proof by induction algorithm that combines k-i...
Abstract. Formal methods combining abstract interpretation and model-checking have been considered f...
Abstract. We describe two complementary techniques to aid the automatic ver-ification of safety prop...
Automatic verification tools, such as model checkers and tools based on static analysis or on abstra...
In a world where many human lives depend on the correct behavior of software systems, program verifi...
. This paper presents a particular approach to the design and verification of large sequential syste...
International audienceThis paper presents a minimal model of the functioning of program verification...
Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established families, eac...
Abstract. Most software verification tools can be classified into one of a number of established fam...
From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: registration 2020-04-23, online 2020-05-18...
We present combined-case k-induction, a novel technique for verifying software programs. This techni...
Abstract. We present combined-case k-induction, a novel technique for veri-fying software programs. ...
The first attempts to apply the k-induction method to software verification are only recent. In this...
In this article, we revise our constraint-based abstraction refinement technique for checking tempor...
Abstract. We explore the combination of bounded model checking and induction for proving safety prop...
DepthK is a software verification tool that employs a proof by induction algorithm that combines k-i...
Abstract. Formal methods combining abstract interpretation and model-checking have been considered f...
Abstract. We describe two complementary techniques to aid the automatic ver-ification of safety prop...
Automatic verification tools, such as model checkers and tools based on static analysis or on abstra...
In a world where many human lives depend on the correct behavior of software systems, program verifi...
. This paper presents a particular approach to the design and verification of large sequential syste...
International audienceThis paper presents a minimal model of the functioning of program verification...