This research examined how group processes alter the impact of alcohol on a judgment task requiring vigilance. The authors compared two competing explanations, deindividuation and group monitoring, for the possible effects of alcohol. Two hundred and eighty-six undergraduates with normal drinking habits undertook a vigilance task alone or in four-person groups having consumed either alcohol (calculated to achieve up to .08 blood alcohol content) or a placebo. The vigilance task required them to count occurrences of the word "the" in a spoken passage. Alcohol significantly impaired the performance of individuals but not groups. Group members performed at a similar level in both conditions, making fewer errors than individuals in the alcohol ...
Aims: To assess whether alcohol-related biases in selective-attention and action tendency uniquely o...
An experiment tested the effects of dyad membership and the prospect of completing a motor-skills ta...
RATIONALE: Many studies have reported the long-term adverse effects of alcohol on executive cognitiv...
This research examined how group processes alter the impact of alcohol on a judgment task requiring ...
Objective: The objective of the present study is to assess the impact of alcohol consumption on the ...
Research suggests that the drinking environment can affect dynamic processes involved in group decis...
In this chapter we discuss the role of groups on behavior in scenarios of moderate alcohol consumpti...
Aims To examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcohol-relat...
AbstractAimsTo examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcoho...
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. Background: Research addressing the influence of alcohol and groups on risky be...
Research suggests that the drinking environment can affect dynamic processes involved in group decis...
<p>We integrated research on emotion and on small groups to address a fundamental and enduring quest...
This study used a quasi-experimental design to test the hypothesis that social drinking at greater t...
To examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcohol-related st...
Rationale: Dysregulated alcohol consumption has been attributed to an imbalance between an approach-...
Aims: To assess whether alcohol-related biases in selective-attention and action tendency uniquely o...
An experiment tested the effects of dyad membership and the prospect of completing a motor-skills ta...
RATIONALE: Many studies have reported the long-term adverse effects of alcohol on executive cognitiv...
This research examined how group processes alter the impact of alcohol on a judgment task requiring ...
Objective: The objective of the present study is to assess the impact of alcohol consumption on the ...
Research suggests that the drinking environment can affect dynamic processes involved in group decis...
In this chapter we discuss the role of groups on behavior in scenarios of moderate alcohol consumpti...
Aims To examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcohol-relat...
AbstractAimsTo examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcoho...
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. Background: Research addressing the influence of alcohol and groups on risky be...
Research suggests that the drinking environment can affect dynamic processes involved in group decis...
<p>We integrated research on emotion and on small groups to address a fundamental and enduring quest...
This study used a quasi-experimental design to test the hypothesis that social drinking at greater t...
To examine whether a group of social drinkers showed longer response latencies to alcohol-related st...
Rationale: Dysregulated alcohol consumption has been attributed to an imbalance between an approach-...
Aims: To assess whether alcohol-related biases in selective-attention and action tendency uniquely o...
An experiment tested the effects of dyad membership and the prospect of completing a motor-skills ta...
RATIONALE: Many studies have reported the long-term adverse effects of alcohol on executive cognitiv...