Love in Idleness is a short animated film exploring the fleeting delusional loves relationship between Titania and Bottom. The film focuses on the transformation and transfiguration of the two characters in the act of a frantic lovemaking. Scratchy animated lines, morphed body parts, fragments of flesh intersect and crash together into the crude rhythmical act performed by the deluded donkey and the tricked woman. There is no story, no time and no roles: only raw emotions and sensations. The film is made with charcoal on paper, the images are a series of drawings constantly erased and retraced. 1 Film, 80 Drawings, 7000 redrawn trace
A visually dark and comic film, set in a society lost within its endless, self-defeating pursuits, E...
This project is an absurdist short film about an unemployed woman’s struggle with the rise of electr...
Heavy Petting is a short narrative film that explores the distinction and degeneration between lonel...
Perfect Love, Perfect Selfishness is a short digital film that explores as its subject the enmity th...
Unhinged is an animated graduate thesis film 7 minutes, 30 seconds long, which was originally conce...
"They’" is a visually abstract, short animated film about the cycle of the life of pigeons, fr...
This is a film about the fickle nature of love, how quickly we can fall in love, and how poorly (or ...
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
A collection of short essays, observations, and dérives. The piece negotiates the collage of researc...
For centuries, art has been used not just to portray images, but to inspire feelings in those who ob...
Film never really dies. Much in the way that moving image art absorbed the endeavors of painting, mu...
[[abstract]]Abstract The practices of Creators used from experimental animation. Assisted by a numbe...
A pop music video is a form of media containing incongruous surrealistic imagery with a narrative st...
Stains and Stripes is a short film of animation 3D that shows a bad relation between two cats, one ...
A visually dark and comic film, set in a society lost within its endless, self-defeating pursuits, E...
This project is an absurdist short film about an unemployed woman’s struggle with the rise of electr...
Heavy Petting is a short narrative film that explores the distinction and degeneration between lonel...
Perfect Love, Perfect Selfishness is a short digital film that explores as its subject the enmity th...
Unhinged is an animated graduate thesis film 7 minutes, 30 seconds long, which was originally conce...
"They’" is a visually abstract, short animated film about the cycle of the life of pigeons, fr...
This is a film about the fickle nature of love, how quickly we can fall in love, and how poorly (or ...
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
A collection of short essays, observations, and dérives. The piece negotiates the collage of researc...
For centuries, art has been used not just to portray images, but to inspire feelings in those who ob...
Film never really dies. Much in the way that moving image art absorbed the endeavors of painting, mu...
[[abstract]]Abstract The practices of Creators used from experimental animation. Assisted by a numbe...
A pop music video is a form of media containing incongruous surrealistic imagery with a narrative st...
Stains and Stripes is a short film of animation 3D that shows a bad relation between two cats, one ...
A visually dark and comic film, set in a society lost within its endless, self-defeating pursuits, E...
This project is an absurdist short film about an unemployed woman’s struggle with the rise of electr...
Heavy Petting is a short narrative film that explores the distinction and degeneration between lonel...