Kulture životinjskih stanica su značajan alat u staničnoj i molekularnoj biologiji budući pružaju izvrsne modele sustava za proučavanje fiziologije i biokemije stanica, procesa mutageneze i karcinogeneze te učinka lijekova i toksičnih spojeva na stanice. U ovom radu je dan pregled dosadašnjih saznanja na području staničnih kultura morskih beskralježnjaka. Kulture matičnih i embrionalnih stanica ovih organizama predstavljaju novi eksperimentalni model koji karakteriziraju visoka razina fizioloških i sintetskih procesa. Primarne kulture morskih beskralježnjaka koje su dosada uspješno kultivirane su: epitelne stanice spužvi, rakova, bodljikaša, plaštenjaka i svitkoglavaca; neuroni žarnjaka, rakova i mekušaca; krvne stanice rakova, mekušaca i p...
609-619Marine biotechnology may be viewed from the perspective of three issues, namely components, ...
Reproductive biology is central to biological science and an understanding of it is vital to proper...
The \u201cstem cells\u201d discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While...
Kulture životinjskih stanica su značajan alat u staničnoj i molekularnoj biologiji budući pružaju iz...
Since marine invertebrate have many applications in medicine and biological sciences and pharmaceuti...
Simbioza je zajednički život dvaju ili više različitih organizama i izravno je utjecala na razvoj ži...
The “stem cells” discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicin...
The “stem cells” discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
A huge progress has been achieved in mammalian in vitro technique. Instead, of the many trials to de...
Morski beskralježnjaci su skupina unutar životinjskog carstva koja ima široku rasprostranjenost i r...
Marine/aquatic invertebrates constitute the largest biodiversity and the widest phylogenetic radiati...
Do organizmów morskich zalicza się wiele grup zwierząt. Jedną z tych grup są bezkręgowce morskie. Wy...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
609-619Marine biotechnology may be viewed from the perspective of three issues, namely components, ...
Reproductive biology is central to biological science and an understanding of it is vital to proper...
The \u201cstem cells\u201d discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While...
Kulture životinjskih stanica su značajan alat u staničnoj i molekularnoj biologiji budući pružaju iz...
Since marine invertebrate have many applications in medicine and biological sciences and pharmaceuti...
Simbioza je zajednički život dvaju ili više različitih organizama i izravno je utjecala na razvoj ži...
The “stem cells” discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicin...
The “stem cells” discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
A huge progress has been achieved in mammalian in vitro technique. Instead, of the many trials to de...
Morski beskralježnjaci su skupina unutar životinjskog carstva koja ima široku rasprostranjenost i r...
Marine/aquatic invertebrates constitute the largest biodiversity and the widest phylogenetic radiati...
Do organizmów morskich zalicza się wiele grup zwierząt. Jedną z tych grup są bezkręgowce morskie. Wy...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
The "stem cells" discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While adult mar...
609-619Marine biotechnology may be viewed from the perspective of three issues, namely components, ...
Reproductive biology is central to biological science and an understanding of it is vital to proper...
The \u201cstem cells\u201d discipline represents one of the most dynamic areas in biomedicine. While...