Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress and belt, standing in front of backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress and dark hat, standing ...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark fur coat and hat, standing in ...
Full-length portrait of African-American woman, wearing a white dress and a white jacket, standing w...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress and light overcoat, stan...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress with dark details
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, in front of painted background wearing an e...
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman in front of a backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman standing in front of backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress, standing next to light ...
Full-length portrait of an African-American woman standing in front of a backdrop
Full-length portrait of an African-American woman, standing in front of a dark backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman in front of a painted background
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman standing next to chair in front of a back...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress with fur shawl, necklace...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark overcoat with fur scarf, stand...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress and dark hat, standing ...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark fur coat and hat, standing in ...
Full-length portrait of African-American woman, wearing a white dress and a white jacket, standing w...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress and light overcoat, stan...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress with dark details
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, in front of painted background wearing an e...
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman in front of a backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman standing in front of backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress, standing next to light ...
Full-length portrait of an African-American woman standing in front of a backdrop
Full-length portrait of an African-American woman, standing in front of a dark backdrop
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman in front of a painted background
Full-length standing portrait of an African-American woman standing next to chair in front of a back...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark dress with fur shawl, necklace...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark overcoat with fur scarf, stand...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing light dress and dark hat, standing ...
Full-length standing portrait of African-American woman, wearing dark fur coat and hat, standing in ...
Full-length portrait of African-American woman, wearing a white dress and a white jacket, standing w...