Mary Adams Norman, b&w. Note on back reads: Mama (other cabinet cards that have Mama stated this was Mary Ellen Adams Norman.
Cabinet card of Mrs. Ely Ensign (nee Mary Catherine Walton), b&w. Mary Catherine Walton was born in ...
Heath Holman Kelly, Catherine Enslow\u27s uncle, col. Note on back states: Uncle Heath Holman Kelly,...
Clara Morrow and Dwight Morrow, Jr., b&w. Back reads: Clara J. Morow, Dwight Morrow, Jr.https://mds....
Mary Adams Norman, b&w. Note on back reads: Mama (other cabinet cards that have Mama stated this w...
Mrs. Carnes, 6.5x11cm Jennie\u27s grandmother, Mrs. Houghton Abbot Robson (grandmother of Mrs. Hamer...
Ethel Jackson, 16.5x11cm Miss Bob White Co
Marian Alexander, Rosanna Blake\u27s mother, b&w mounted on cardboard. Back reads (second copy): Mar...
A cabinet card believed to be of Mary Bell, photographed by F. Pfaff, Artistic Photographer, of Erie...
Marie George,16.5 x11cm
Margot Hobart, Francis Wilson Co.,16.5x11cm
Miss Josie Adams, 1884, b&w. Notes on back read: Miss Josie Adams, 1884 (no backprint)
Photo circa 1870s. Two dark haired young ladies, head & shoulders only, one in a striped dress with ...
Mrs. E.S. Buffington, 1890,16.5x11cm
Title devised by cataloguer from inscription on photograph.; Inscriptions: "Mary"-- signed l.r. corn...
Marshall Admissions secretary and counselor Carole Reynolds, b&w. Back reads: Miss Carole Reynolds, ...
Cabinet card of Mrs. Ely Ensign (nee Mary Catherine Walton), b&w. Mary Catherine Walton was born in ...
Heath Holman Kelly, Catherine Enslow\u27s uncle, col. Note on back states: Uncle Heath Holman Kelly,...
Clara Morrow and Dwight Morrow, Jr., b&w. Back reads: Clara J. Morow, Dwight Morrow, Jr.https://mds....
Mary Adams Norman, b&w. Note on back reads: Mama (other cabinet cards that have Mama stated this w...
Mrs. Carnes, 6.5x11cm Jennie\u27s grandmother, Mrs. Houghton Abbot Robson (grandmother of Mrs. Hamer...
Ethel Jackson, 16.5x11cm Miss Bob White Co
Marian Alexander, Rosanna Blake\u27s mother, b&w mounted on cardboard. Back reads (second copy): Mar...
A cabinet card believed to be of Mary Bell, photographed by F. Pfaff, Artistic Photographer, of Erie...
Marie George,16.5 x11cm
Margot Hobart, Francis Wilson Co.,16.5x11cm
Miss Josie Adams, 1884, b&w. Notes on back read: Miss Josie Adams, 1884 (no backprint)
Photo circa 1870s. Two dark haired young ladies, head & shoulders only, one in a striped dress with ...
Mrs. E.S. Buffington, 1890,16.5x11cm
Title devised by cataloguer from inscription on photograph.; Inscriptions: "Mary"-- signed l.r. corn...
Marshall Admissions secretary and counselor Carole Reynolds, b&w. Back reads: Miss Carole Reynolds, ...
Cabinet card of Mrs. Ely Ensign (nee Mary Catherine Walton), b&w. Mary Catherine Walton was born in ...
Heath Holman Kelly, Catherine Enslow\u27s uncle, col. Note on back states: Uncle Heath Holman Kelly,...
Clara Morrow and Dwight Morrow, Jr., b&w. Back reads: Clara J. Morow, Dwight Morrow, Jr.https://mds....