Globalių pokyčių iššūkiai kelia Europos Sąjungos šalių ir šalių-kandidačių profesinio rengimo sistemoms vis didesnius uždavinius, kurie turi būti sėkmingai ir laiku išspręsti. Europos visuomenei visoses srityse - ekonomikoje, visuomenės raidoje, kultūroje bei technologijose - keliami iššūkiai. Globalizacija ir nuolatinė žinių visuomenės ir ekonomikos plėtra skatina vis didėjančią konkurenciją. [...].Europe - including both Member States and Candidate Countries - today faces a large number of challenges which have already and will continue to have a strong influence on the expectations that our vocational education and training systems must be able to fulfill. European societies are facing important challenges on all fronts whether economic...
AbstractGlobalization has become one of the crucial topics of discussion and concern in recent times...
Vocational education and training systems in all the European countries have to adapt to the require...
This paper investigates the development and impact of European Union (EU) programmes in education an...
Vocational education and training is a vital goal in both economic and social contexts. The opport...
Continuous development of education and training programmes in the European Union is a key factor in...
Žinių visuomenėje ūkio plėtrą ir konkurencingumą kuo toliau, tuo daugiau lems žmogiškieji ištekliai,...
Europos Komisijai skatinant Europos Sąjungos narių bendradarbiavimą, penkių šalių institucijos, daly...
Du pastarojo meto įvykiai Europoje sustiprino švietimo politinį pobūdį. Europos Sąjungos "Mokymosi v...
According the latest educational statement of the European Union, the EU wants to become the most co...
During the last two decades the international socioeconomic circumstances have changed dramatically....
Ansari Françoise, Deshayes Élisabeth, Dupon-Lahitte Bernadette, Grolière Catherine. Peter Funnel, Da...
Capacitating and promoting employability in the European Union's labour market is one of the fundame...
Since 2000 the European Union (EU) has sought to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-b...
In the European Union the attention to educational issues is a priority area next to the economic in...
These changes have posed various challenges for Europe. Among those challenges, the key ones are enl...
AbstractGlobalization has become one of the crucial topics of discussion and concern in recent times...
Vocational education and training systems in all the European countries have to adapt to the require...
This paper investigates the development and impact of European Union (EU) programmes in education an...
Vocational education and training is a vital goal in both economic and social contexts. The opport...
Continuous development of education and training programmes in the European Union is a key factor in...
Žinių visuomenėje ūkio plėtrą ir konkurencingumą kuo toliau, tuo daugiau lems žmogiškieji ištekliai,...
Europos Komisijai skatinant Europos Sąjungos narių bendradarbiavimą, penkių šalių institucijos, daly...
Du pastarojo meto įvykiai Europoje sustiprino švietimo politinį pobūdį. Europos Sąjungos "Mokymosi v...
According the latest educational statement of the European Union, the EU wants to become the most co...
During the last two decades the international socioeconomic circumstances have changed dramatically....
Ansari Françoise, Deshayes Élisabeth, Dupon-Lahitte Bernadette, Grolière Catherine. Peter Funnel, Da...
Capacitating and promoting employability in the European Union's labour market is one of the fundame...
Since 2000 the European Union (EU) has sought to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-b...
In the European Union the attention to educational issues is a priority area next to the economic in...
These changes have posed various challenges for Europe. Among those challenges, the key ones are enl...
AbstractGlobalization has become one of the crucial topics of discussion and concern in recent times...
Vocational education and training systems in all the European countries have to adapt to the require...
This paper investigates the development and impact of European Union (EU) programmes in education an...