Set in 1912, The Passionate Puritan follows young teacher Sidney Carey to an isolated kauri-milling community in the far north. She discovers romance there, but will she be able to seize it, or will puritanical conventions spoil her life? Social progress and conservatism battle for supremacy in the vivid setting off the Puhipuhi in the days of the old timber industry
A colonial rather than a New Zealand writer, Lady Barker nevertheless occupies a distinct place in n...
The Puritan problem—in the study of US history and literature— is nearly as old, nearly as familiar,...
The Merry Marauders (1913) recounts the humorous misadventures of an accident-prone theatre company,...
Set in 1912, The Passionate Puritan follows young teacher Sidney Carey to an isolated kauri-milling ...
This bibliography springs from my examination of the literary, social, and cultural legacy of Purita...
Louisa Baker was the first New Zealand woman to succeed in making a career out of writing novels, pu...
The secular character of New Zealand has become an accepted `facts of our time. Nevertheless, Christ...
Although it is generally acknowledged that Puritanism has been a major influence in Canadian society...
Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse challenge traditional accounts of the origins of modern Angl...
Living in rural England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Jane Austen had a very quiet lif...
Book synopsis: This volume provides a new context for women’s writing from the seventeenth through t...
Originally published in 1992. In an age when genteel women wrote little more than personal letters, ...
‘Maoriland’ is the name that was used to refer to literary New Zealand during the period under scrut...
As one of Puritanism’s best-known Puritan writers, Anne Bradstreet is a popular topic for scholars e...
Nelle Scanlan was the most popular New Zealand novelist of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly importa...
A colonial rather than a New Zealand writer, Lady Barker nevertheless occupies a distinct place in n...
The Puritan problem—in the study of US history and literature— is nearly as old, nearly as familiar,...
The Merry Marauders (1913) recounts the humorous misadventures of an accident-prone theatre company,...
Set in 1912, The Passionate Puritan follows young teacher Sidney Carey to an isolated kauri-milling ...
This bibliography springs from my examination of the literary, social, and cultural legacy of Purita...
Louisa Baker was the first New Zealand woman to succeed in making a career out of writing novels, pu...
The secular character of New Zealand has become an accepted `facts of our time. Nevertheless, Christ...
Although it is generally acknowledged that Puritanism has been a major influence in Canadian society...
Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse challenge traditional accounts of the origins of modern Angl...
Living in rural England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Jane Austen had a very quiet lif...
Book synopsis: This volume provides a new context for women’s writing from the seventeenth through t...
Originally published in 1992. In an age when genteel women wrote little more than personal letters, ...
‘Maoriland’ is the name that was used to refer to literary New Zealand during the period under scrut...
As one of Puritanism’s best-known Puritan writers, Anne Bradstreet is a popular topic for scholars e...
Nelle Scanlan was the most popular New Zealand novelist of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly importa...
A colonial rather than a New Zealand writer, Lady Barker nevertheless occupies a distinct place in n...
The Puritan problem—in the study of US history and literature— is nearly as old, nearly as familiar,...
The Merry Marauders (1913) recounts the humorous misadventures of an accident-prone theatre company,...