BACKGROUND: The stillbirth rate in most high income countries reduced in the early part of the 20(th) century but has apparently been static over the past 2½ decades. However, there has not been any account taken of pregnancy terminations and birth defects on these trends. The current study sought to quantify these relationships using linked Western Australian administrative data for the years 1986-2010. METHODS: We analysed a retrospective, population-based cohort of Western Australia births from 1986 to 2010, with de-identified linked data from core population health datasets. RESULTS: The study revealed a significant decrease in the neonatal death rate from 1986 to 2010 (6.1 to 2.1 neonatal deaths per 1000 births; p < .01), while the ove...
Abstract Objective: To examine the trend in stillbirth rates adjusted for the trends in the maternal...
International audienceBackground: Some scholars posit that attempts to avert stillbirth among extrem...
Aims: To identify factors, including the loss of a previous pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, whi...
Background: The stillbirth rate in most high income countries reduced in the early part of the 20th ...
Background Perinatal mortality rates are typically higher in Aboriginal than non‐Aboriginal populat...
Summary The loss of a baby who was either stillborn or died in the first weeks of life is a tragic ...
Background: Stillbirth remains a public health concern in high-income countries. Over the past 20\ua...
It is estimated that everyday 7000 women worldwide have their pregnancy end with a stillbirth, howev...
Background: There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country of birth is a...
Background: Stillbirth is a major public health problem that is slow to improve in Australia. Unders...
BACKGROUND:There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country of birth is a ...
Copyright © 2003 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.Objectives The purpose of this study was to determi...
Background As there are variations in stillbirth rates and trends, even among high income countries...
<div><p>Background</p><p>There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country ...
© 2017 Objectives To quantify the independent risks of neonatal (0-28 days), postneonatal (29-364 da...
Abstract Objective: To examine the trend in stillbirth rates adjusted for the trends in the maternal...
International audienceBackground: Some scholars posit that attempts to avert stillbirth among extrem...
Aims: To identify factors, including the loss of a previous pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, whi...
Background: The stillbirth rate in most high income countries reduced in the early part of the 20th ...
Background Perinatal mortality rates are typically higher in Aboriginal than non‐Aboriginal populat...
Summary The loss of a baby who was either stillborn or died in the first weeks of life is a tragic ...
Background: Stillbirth remains a public health concern in high-income countries. Over the past 20\ua...
It is estimated that everyday 7000 women worldwide have their pregnancy end with a stillbirth, howev...
Background: There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country of birth is a...
Background: Stillbirth is a major public health problem that is slow to improve in Australia. Unders...
BACKGROUND:There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country of birth is a ...
Copyright © 2003 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.Objectives The purpose of this study was to determi...
Background As there are variations in stillbirth rates and trends, even among high income countries...
<div><p>Background</p><p>There is growing evidence from high-income countries that maternal country ...
© 2017 Objectives To quantify the independent risks of neonatal (0-28 days), postneonatal (29-364 da...
Abstract Objective: To examine the trend in stillbirth rates adjusted for the trends in the maternal...
International audienceBackground: Some scholars posit that attempts to avert stillbirth among extrem...
Aims: To identify factors, including the loss of a previous pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, whi...