Identifying factors involved in chromosome movement during prophase I of meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans

  • Hanafi, Jasmin
Publication date
January 2014
McGill University


Meiosis is a reductional cell division that produces haploid gametes and uniquely allows the introduction of genetic diversity via crossover recombination between homologous chromosomes. Any defect during this process could lead to the non disjunction of chromosomes, which in turn leads to aneuploidy in the resulting progeny, a condition that is generally lethal but in certain cases results in serious developmental abnormality. In C. elegans, at the onset of meiosis, chromosomes condense and cis-acting regions near each chromosome end called pairing centers recruit zinc-finger proteins which help chromosomes associate with nuclear envelope bridge proteins. These bridge proteins are in turn linked to the cytoskeleton network. This associati...

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