The object of this problem was to study the ovule development of selected species of Impatiens. Special emphasis was placed on the occurrence, origin, and nature of the haustoria in these species. The genus, Impatiens, is of embryological interest for two reasons. The conflicting statements concerning the types of embryo sacs in certain of the species must be reconciled (Maheshwari, 1955). The synergid, embryo sac and endosperm haustoria present interesting research material which may aid in the clarification of this family’s phylogenetic position
Floral meristems are generally determinate. Termination of their activity varies with species, occur...
The results of the study on formation and morphology of ovules’ structures in Hemerocallis ×hybrida ...
The investigation objects are 23 species of the flowering plants (14 two-lobate and 9 one-lobate one...
The floral morphological and developmental patterns in three species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), n...
The embryo sacs of the grasses have been examined by about twenty-five investigators. Of the sixty g...
Polygonum-type embryo sac development was found in Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng., L. rehmannii ...
The embryo sac haustorium found in Dryas octopetala L. from the Tatra Mts is the first record of its...
Morphological transitions associated with ovule diversification provide unique opportunities for stu...
The work covers six species of the Campanulaceae family relating to five genuses. The aim is to perf...
Impatiens glandulifera występuje obficie na terenie Polski i jest zaliczany do gatunków inwazyjnych....
In Lycopsis arvensis, Cerinthe minor, Lithospermum arvense and Echium vulgare the endosperm is divid...
The embryo-sac development in Gagea bohemica, G. chrysantha and G. granatellii conforms to the “Euph...
Two alien Impatiens species are spreading in Europe and share habitats with the native Impatiens nol...
Impatiens auricoma, throat and reproductive organs. Family Balsaminaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: ...
The development of embryo sacs in Cephalanthera erecta var. erecta, C. erecta var. subaphylla and C....
Floral meristems are generally determinate. Termination of their activity varies with species, occur...
The results of the study on formation and morphology of ovules’ structures in Hemerocallis ×hybrida ...
The investigation objects are 23 species of the flowering plants (14 two-lobate and 9 one-lobate one...
The floral morphological and developmental patterns in three species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), n...
The embryo sacs of the grasses have been examined by about twenty-five investigators. Of the sixty g...
Polygonum-type embryo sac development was found in Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng., L. rehmannii ...
The embryo sac haustorium found in Dryas octopetala L. from the Tatra Mts is the first record of its...
Morphological transitions associated with ovule diversification provide unique opportunities for stu...
The work covers six species of the Campanulaceae family relating to five genuses. The aim is to perf...
Impatiens glandulifera występuje obficie na terenie Polski i jest zaliczany do gatunków inwazyjnych....
In Lycopsis arvensis, Cerinthe minor, Lithospermum arvense and Echium vulgare the endosperm is divid...
The embryo-sac development in Gagea bohemica, G. chrysantha and G. granatellii conforms to the “Euph...
Two alien Impatiens species are spreading in Europe and share habitats with the native Impatiens nol...
Impatiens auricoma, throat and reproductive organs. Family Balsaminaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: ...
The development of embryo sacs in Cephalanthera erecta var. erecta, C. erecta var. subaphylla and C....
Floral meristems are generally determinate. Termination of their activity varies with species, occur...
The results of the study on formation and morphology of ovules’ structures in Hemerocallis ×hybrida ...
The investigation objects are 23 species of the flowering plants (14 two-lobate and 9 one-lobate one...