Flaveria linearis Lag. (Asteraceae), a shrub native to southern North America and Central America, has naturalized to the coast of Shenkang Hsiang, Changhua County, Taiwan. A taxonomic treatment, distribution and habitat, line drawings, color photographs and voucher specimens are provided to aid in identification of this alien plant. A detailed comparison between F. linearis and the closely related species, F. bidentis (L.) Kuntze, reported earlier as a naturalized species in Taiwan, is also provided.線葉黃頂菊 (Flaveria linearis Lag.) 原產北美洲南部及中美洲,近年來已歸化於台灣中部彰化縣伸港鄉沿海一帶。本文描述其形態特徵、地理分布及生育地環境,並提供彩色圖片、線繪圖與引證標本以資辨識,此外亦列表與先前已歸化本地的黃頂菊 (F. bidentis (L.) Kuntze) 作比較。作者等於1999年即已發現線葉黃頂菊族群,2010年及2011年再進行調查時發現其野外族群穩定成長
水社擬茀蕨過去在臺灣被視為已經滅絕,但是最近我們在屏東縣牡?鄉以及臺東縣?嶼鄉重新發現?此一物種。該種目前均發現於鄰近農耕地旁的溼地,相信極容?受到人為的干擾而再次滅絕。我們依循IUCN 受威脅等級及...
Commelinaceae is a monocot family mainly distributed in tropical and temperate region. Several natur...
本文記?一引進臺灣作為園藝作物的歸化現?。古錢?水花 (Pilea nummulariifolia (Swartz) Weddell) 為原產熱帶美洲之蕁麻科植物,目前全島皆有種植情形,引進?份?詳。...
本文報導近日於臺灣中部採獲的光貓兒菊(Hypochaeris glabra L.),及於臺灣?部尋獲的多?水蜈蚣 (Kyllinga polyphylla Willd. ex Kunth.) 等?種歸...
In recent years we have witnessed the naturalization of many alien species of Asteraceae in Taiwan. ...
"Drymaria villosa" Cham. & Schltdl. (Caryophyllaceae) is recently recognized from northern and centr...
We document a new-record genus to the flora of Taiwan: Pectis L. (Asteraceae) and its member, P. pro...
沼生金鈕扣 (Acmella uliginosa (Swartz) Cassini) (菊科) 非臺灣原生種,近來在台北地區發現其野生族群,為臺灣新歸化植物。本篇報告描述其形態特徵、地理分布、生育環境...
Naturalization has been shown to be one of the primary stages of plant invasions; therefore, studies...
本文記錄一種臺灣新歸化豆科植物直立水含羞草(Neptunia plena (L.) Benth.),原產於美洲及亞洲,最近被發現歸化於臺灣南部低海拔地區。它與臺灣同屬其他植物主要的差異在於莖直立、花梗...
本文報導一新近發現於臺灣北部平地的玄參科新歸化屬植物:輪葉孿生花(新擬中名,Stemodia verticillata (Mill.) Hassl.),本文描述此一新歸化植物,並提供線描圖、分布圖及照...
Naturalization has been shown to be one of the primary stages of plant invasions; therefore, studies...
水社擬茀蕨過去在臺灣被視為已經滅絕,但是最近我們在屏東縣牡?鄉以及臺東縣?嶼鄉重新發現?此一物種。該種目前均發現於鄰近農耕地旁的溼地,相信極容?受到人為的干擾而再次滅絕。我們依循IUCN 受威脅等級及...
Commelinaceae is a monocot family mainly distributed in tropical and temperate region. Several natur...
本文記?一引進臺灣作為園藝作物的歸化現?。古錢?水花 (Pilea nummulariifolia (Swartz) Weddell) 為原產熱帶美洲之蕁麻科植物,目前全島皆有種植情形,引進?份?詳。...
本文報導近日於臺灣中部採獲的光貓兒菊(Hypochaeris glabra L.),及於臺灣?部尋獲的多?水蜈蚣 (Kyllinga polyphylla Willd. ex Kunth.) 等?種歸...
In recent years we have witnessed the naturalization of many alien species of Asteraceae in Taiwan. ...
"Drymaria villosa" Cham. & Schltdl. (Caryophyllaceae) is recently recognized from northern and centr...
We document a new-record genus to the flora of Taiwan: Pectis L. (Asteraceae) and its member, P. pro...
沼生金鈕扣 (Acmella uliginosa (Swartz) Cassini) (菊科) 非臺灣原生種,近來在台北地區發現其野生族群,為臺灣新歸化植物。本篇報告描述其形態特徵、地理分布、生育環境...
Naturalization has been shown to be one of the primary stages of plant invasions; therefore, studies...
本文記錄一種臺灣新歸化豆科植物直立水含羞草(Neptunia plena (L.) Benth.),原產於美洲及亞洲,最近被發現歸化於臺灣南部低海拔地區。它與臺灣同屬其他植物主要的差異在於莖直立、花梗...
本文報導一新近發現於臺灣北部平地的玄參科新歸化屬植物:輪葉孿生花(新擬中名,Stemodia verticillata (Mill.) Hassl.),本文描述此一新歸化植物,並提供線描圖、分布圖及照...
Naturalization has been shown to be one of the primary stages of plant invasions; therefore, studies...
水社擬茀蕨過去在臺灣被視為已經滅絕,但是最近我們在屏東縣牡?鄉以及臺東縣?嶼鄉重新發現?此一物種。該種目前均發現於鄰近農耕地旁的溼地,相信極容?受到人為的干擾而再次滅絕。我們依循IUCN 受威脅等級及...