Kombucha have in vivo antioxidant activity. Recently, many researches reported that metabolites from degradation of tea polyphenols by colonic microflora were the major active substances in vivo. This study focused on the variations of microbial activities, antioxidant activities and tea polyphenol levels etc. during kombucha fermentation. There are six topics included as followed. Results showed that (1) Antioxidant activities of kombucha were dependent on starter sources and fermentation time. The average antioxidant potentials of eight kombucha samples after fermentation of 15 days were raised to about 70%, 40%, 49% determined respectively by the assays of DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging, and inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation, while...
Backgrounds: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) has been the most common cause of all de...
Ph.D.Marsdenia tenacissima, with Chinese name of ‘Tong-guang-san’ (TGS), is a traditional Chinese me...
Kombucha is traditionally made by fermenting sugared black tea using a symbiotic culture of acetic a...
Oligotrophs, a group of bacteria which get adapted to grow under conditions of C/nutrient starvation...
Ph.D.Background:EGb 761, the standard extract of Ginkgo biloba, contains seven marker components, na...
室內空氣污染之一的揮發性有機物(Volatile organic compounds, VOCs),與室內空氣品質不良有關,如對人體造成不良之健康影響與病態大樓症候群。本研究所選用之目標污染物為三氯乙...
芒果為台灣重要的外銷出口作物,位居果品出口總產值第一,而炭疽病菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.為芒果栽培之最重要病原菌,可以感染芒果樹的葉、花穗、枝條及採收前...
Research Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwid...
以本實驗室所選殖之山羊β-酪蛋白基因pGB5-1為模版,構築高表現能力之啟動子(promoter)序列,設計DNA引子,以β-酪蛋白5’端調節序列至exon 2為目標,利用PCR增殖出含exon 2之...
瞭解洋桔梗[Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn.]花型花色之遺傳模式,有助於未來選定適當的育種親本以提高育種效率。本研究旨在探討洋桔梗授粉時期及瞭解果實離體瓶插採種方式...
大蟬花(Cordyceps cicadae)為傳統中藥材,入藥已有一千多年歷史,研究顯示具有多樣生理活性,其成分及功效與冬蟲夏草相似。近年來,開始有液態發酵菌絲體進行工業化放大生產的研究和功能的探討。...
Backgrounds: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) has been the most common cause of all de...
Ph.D.Marsdenia tenacissima, with Chinese name of ‘Tong-guang-san’ (TGS), is a traditional Chinese me...
Kombucha is traditionally made by fermenting sugared black tea using a symbiotic culture of acetic a...
Oligotrophs, a group of bacteria which get adapted to grow under conditions of C/nutrient starvation...
Ph.D.Background:EGb 761, the standard extract of Ginkgo biloba, contains seven marker components, na...
室內空氣污染之一的揮發性有機物(Volatile organic compounds, VOCs),與室內空氣品質不良有關,如對人體造成不良之健康影響與病態大樓症候群。本研究所選用之目標污染物為三氯乙...
芒果為台灣重要的外銷出口作物,位居果品出口總產值第一,而炭疽病菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.為芒果栽培之最重要病原菌,可以感染芒果樹的葉、花穗、枝條及採收前...
Research Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwid...
以本實驗室所選殖之山羊β-酪蛋白基因pGB5-1為模版,構築高表現能力之啟動子(promoter)序列,設計DNA引子,以β-酪蛋白5’端調節序列至exon 2為目標,利用PCR增殖出含exon 2之...
瞭解洋桔梗[Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn.]花型花色之遺傳模式,有助於未來選定適當的育種親本以提高育種效率。本研究旨在探討洋桔梗授粉時期及瞭解果實離體瓶插採種方式...
大蟬花(Cordyceps cicadae)為傳統中藥材,入藥已有一千多年歷史,研究顯示具有多樣生理活性,其成分及功效與冬蟲夏草相似。近年來,開始有液態發酵菌絲體進行工業化放大生產的研究和功能的探討。...
Backgrounds: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) has been the most common cause of all de...
Ph.D.Marsdenia tenacissima, with Chinese name of ‘Tong-guang-san’ (TGS), is a traditional Chinese me...