Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters, Recording device: DTAG serial number 204, Filter: 4HzDTAG data from a tagged Cuvier's beaked whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Liguria, Italy, Species: Ziphius cavirostris (Cuvier's Beaked Whale), Permit: US NMFS permit 981-1578-02 issued to Peter Tyack, Water Depth: 1409
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 2, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Audio Sampling rate: 192 kHz, Resolution: 16 bit, Compression: uncompressed, Recording device: DTAG ...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 2, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Audio Sampling rate: 192 kHz, Resolution: 16 bit, Compression: uncompressed, Recording device: DTAG ...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .05 meters,...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 23.53 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 1, Resolution: .5 meter...
Original Sampling Rate: 50 Hz, Sampling Rate of this file: 1Hz, Channels: 2, Resolution: .05 meters,...