Interview with the Somali writer Nurrudin Farah, who tells us about his career and how his private life influenced on it. Here we can find not only infomation about his novels and his work as writer, but also his considerations about Somali society and its historical and political events, about the experience of his exile and his hopes for Somalia's future.Waraysi lala yeeshay qoraaga Nuuruddiin Faarax, isagoo ka hadlaya CV-giisa. Waxaan halkaan ka helaynaa warar ku saabsan qoraalladiisa, sida uu u arko bulshada soomaaliyeed, khibradiisa xagga laajinnimada iyo rajaddiisa xagga mustaqbalka Soomaaliya.Intervista allo scrittore somalo Nurrudin Farah, che ci racconta la sua carriera e come la sua vita privata ha influito su questa. Qui possiamo...