The author examines the 1979 Somali Constitution, singling out some of its main characteristics: individual rights and the independence of the judge, based on European legislation; rejection of theocracy; concentration of power in the figure of the President; socialism and African tradition.Qoruhu wuxuu baaraya dastuurka soomaaliyeed ee la qoray 1979, isagoo ka soo dhex saaraya qaar ka mid ah dabeecadihiisi ugu doorka roon: xuquuqda shakhsiga iyo madaxbanaanida qaadiga, oo ku salaysan xeerka Yurub; madaxweynaha oo awoodda badan gacantiisa ku jirto iyo hiddaha afrikaaneeda.L'autore esamina la Costituzione somala del 1979, individuando alcune delle sue caratteristiche principali: diritti individuali e indipendenza del giudice, sulla base dell...