All buildings are heated centrally. Solar systems cover about 50 percent of the freshwater heating requirements. In the summer season, the powerhouse and heating network can be shut off. A DDC system takes over all control and monitoring functions. Data of the heating system, the thermal solar systems and the PV system are recorded, stored, and displayed online. The DDC provides data to the operator for romote maintenance and monitoring and also serves as a learning aid for the pupils, who use the same information source as the operator. (orig.)Die Zielsetzungen fuer die Heizungsanlage, die Solaranlagen und das Gebaeudemanagement wurden vollstaendig umgesetzt. Die Heizwaermeversorgung aller Gebaeude erfolgt zentral. Die solarthermischen Anl...
A building of 38 apartments owned by FRIWO Wohnungsgenossenschaft Friedland 1990 e.G. was modernised...
A solar heat system (collector area 100 m"2) was integrated in a gas-fueled district heating sy...
TIB: RN 3594 (14)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbiblio...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
Am Standort Rottweil der Deutschen Telekom wurde im April 2011 eine Solaranlage zur Unterstützung de...
This school has made solar energy an integral part of school life. Data are compiled, evaluated and ...
Diese Broschuere gehoert zu den Arbeitsberichten der ''Akademie fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung in Ba...
Im Rahmen des Foerder- und Demonstrationsprogramms Solarthermie 2000, Teilprogramm 2 erfolgt durch d...
Functional monitoring is to detect loss of productivity and loss of non-solar energy in thermal sola...
Potential users of thermal solar systems were to be given comprehensive information on the practical...
This is a report on a solar-supported local heat supply in Swabian Gmuend. The report includes the f...
The model town of Ostritz - St. Marienthal will have an integrated fire station and police station w...
Solarthermische Anlagen zur Brauch- und Beckenwassererwaermung sind Jahre nach ihrer Markteinfuehrun...
Aufgrund ihres hohen (und jahreszeitlich weitestgehend konstanten) Warmwasserverbrauches bieten Seni...
Subjects: Design and function of a solar system; simulation models; climate effects; operation of so...
A building of 38 apartments owned by FRIWO Wohnungsgenossenschaft Friedland 1990 e.G. was modernised...
A solar heat system (collector area 100 m"2) was integrated in a gas-fueled district heating sy...
TIB: RN 3594 (14)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbiblio...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
Am Standort Rottweil der Deutschen Telekom wurde im April 2011 eine Solaranlage zur Unterstützung de...
This school has made solar energy an integral part of school life. Data are compiled, evaluated and ...
Diese Broschuere gehoert zu den Arbeitsberichten der ''Akademie fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung in Ba...
Im Rahmen des Foerder- und Demonstrationsprogramms Solarthermie 2000, Teilprogramm 2 erfolgt durch d...
Functional monitoring is to detect loss of productivity and loss of non-solar energy in thermal sola...
Potential users of thermal solar systems were to be given comprehensive information on the practical...
This is a report on a solar-supported local heat supply in Swabian Gmuend. The report includes the f...
The model town of Ostritz - St. Marienthal will have an integrated fire station and police station w...
Solarthermische Anlagen zur Brauch- und Beckenwassererwaermung sind Jahre nach ihrer Markteinfuehrun...
Aufgrund ihres hohen (und jahreszeitlich weitestgehend konstanten) Warmwasserverbrauches bieten Seni...
Subjects: Design and function of a solar system; simulation models; climate effects; operation of so...
A building of 38 apartments owned by FRIWO Wohnungsgenossenschaft Friedland 1990 e.G. was modernised...
A solar heat system (collector area 100 m"2) was integrated in a gas-fueled district heating sy...
TIB: RN 3594 (14)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbiblio...