This school has made solar energy an integral part of school life. Data are compiled, evaluated and documented in classrooms. A solar demonstration system is available for the interested public. The construction work done by pupils and teachers led to their strong identification with the system in spite of delays caused by the slowness of the project. The system is of commercial size, and the reimbursement money is used for further developments in the fields of alternative energy sources and energy efficiency. (orig.)Solarenergie ist in unserer Schule durch dieses Projekt zu einem festen Bestandteil des Schullebens geworden. Die gesammelten Daten werden im Unterricht ausgewertet und dokumentiert und sind dadurch Bildungsinhalt. Aussenstehen...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
With 98 refs., 3 tabs., 106 figs.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: FR 5014 / FIZ - Fachinformationsz...
Beim Projekt "Sonnenkraftwerke an Freiburger Schulen" steht die Verbreitung von Informationen und Be...
More than 500 schools in Germany now operate grid-connected PV systems, most of them in the 1 kW_p r...
Teachers and pupils took a hand in the construction of a PV system at Muemmelmansberg school. Detail...
The photovoltaic system will give the pupils practical information on the interdependence between in...
At the school center of Meckenheim-Merl a grid-connected photovoltaic power plant has been installed...
The vocational schools of the district of Bernburg, which have about 1000 students, have become a tr...
In spite of a delay, the results of this project funded by Bundesstiftung Umwelt were quite positive...
The new training and demonstration centre at Neuruppin is an important step towards getting wider ac...
Die Energieagentur NRW gibt in ihrem Projekt ''EnergieSchule NRW'' eine Zeitung aus, die ueber die A...
Das Ziel des Projektes Solargebaeude Leinefelde 2000 war die Sanierung und Erweiterung eines in Plat...
An industrially prefabricated nursery school building at Leinefelde, Thuringia, was modernized and e...
The training course in solar systems has been in existence at Guetersloh since 1999. 15 trainees wer...
A photovoltaic demonstration plant is described. The project was to demonstrate different systems, t...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
With 98 refs., 3 tabs., 106 figs.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: FR 5014 / FIZ - Fachinformationsz...
Beim Projekt "Sonnenkraftwerke an Freiburger Schulen" steht die Verbreitung von Informationen und Be...
More than 500 schools in Germany now operate grid-connected PV systems, most of them in the 1 kW_p r...
Teachers and pupils took a hand in the construction of a PV system at Muemmelmansberg school. Detail...
The photovoltaic system will give the pupils practical information on the interdependence between in...
At the school center of Meckenheim-Merl a grid-connected photovoltaic power plant has been installed...
The vocational schools of the district of Bernburg, which have about 1000 students, have become a tr...
In spite of a delay, the results of this project funded by Bundesstiftung Umwelt were quite positive...
The new training and demonstration centre at Neuruppin is an important step towards getting wider ac...
Die Energieagentur NRW gibt in ihrem Projekt ''EnergieSchule NRW'' eine Zeitung aus, die ueber die A...
Das Ziel des Projektes Solargebaeude Leinefelde 2000 war die Sanierung und Erweiterung eines in Plat...
An industrially prefabricated nursery school building at Leinefelde, Thuringia, was modernized and e...
The training course in solar systems has been in existence at Guetersloh since 1999. 15 trainees wer...
A photovoltaic demonstration plant is described. The project was to demonstrate different systems, t...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
With 98 refs., 3 tabs., 106 figs.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: FR 5014 / FIZ - Fachinformationsz...
Beim Projekt "Sonnenkraftwerke an Freiburger Schulen" steht die Verbreitung von Informationen und Be...