We prove, for the ultraspherical weight function w_#lambda#(x)(1-x"2)"#lambda#"-"1"/"2, new inequalities for generalized Stieltjes polynomials, and apply them to obtain convergence results, in the uniform and weighted L"p norms, for the Lagrange interpolation process based on the zeros of generalized Stieltjes polynomials and the extended Lagrange interpolation process using the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials and Stieltjes polynomials. In particular, we show that the extended interpolation process has Lebesgue constants of optimal order O(log, n) for 0 #<=# #lambda# #<=# 1/2, while for 1/2 < #lambda# #<=# 1, they are of order O(n"2"#lambda#"-"1). (orig.)Available from T...