The work of the Research Programme demonstrates saving strategies on a wide front: - The use of solar technique - optimisation of the whole 'building' system - reducing the energy demand. (HW)Die Arbeiten des Forschungsprogramms demonstrieren Einsparstrategien auf breiter Front: - Einsatz solarer Techniken - Optimierung des Gesamtsystems 'Gebaeude' - Reduzierung des Energiebedarfs. (HW)Available from TIB Hannover: F97B973+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
This is a report on a solar-supported local heat supply in Swabian Gmuend. The report includes the f...
This is part 3 of the final report of this research project. It is supplemented by 2 further reports...
The two ECOTEC buildings are constructed on the premises of Bremen university. They are identical mi...
The status seminar ''Solar-optimized buildings with minimum heating requirements took place in Hanov...
The new building of Fraunhofer ISE has a heated net surface area of about 13,000 m"2. As is typ...
The project received funds from the BMWA (Federal Minister of Economy and Labor) in the context of t...
Das Forschungsvorhaben betrifft die Entwicklung der Computertechnik und ihre zunehmende Anwendung fu...
Im 'Leitfaden' werden zu den einzelnen, beim staedtebaulichen Entwurf auftretenden Fragestellungen H...
Zielsetzung war - eine Orientierung ueber die zusaetzlichen Kosten fuer praxisrelevante Ausfuehrunge...
Der Neubau der FH Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin wurde als Projekt im Rahmen des Foerderprogramms Sola...
The new customers center of Wagner und Co. Solartechnik is the first office building which has been ...
The project focused on the optimized use of solar energy. A combination of innovative light guidance...
Aus Gruenden des Umweltschutzes und der Ressourcenschonung kommt der Energieeinsparung im Bauwesen e...
Basic research and the development of new and progressed solar cells are main points in the support ...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
This is a report on a solar-supported local heat supply in Swabian Gmuend. The report includes the f...
This is part 3 of the final report of this research project. It is supplemented by 2 further reports...
The two ECOTEC buildings are constructed on the premises of Bremen university. They are identical mi...
The status seminar ''Solar-optimized buildings with minimum heating requirements took place in Hanov...
The new building of Fraunhofer ISE has a heated net surface area of about 13,000 m"2. As is typ...
The project received funds from the BMWA (Federal Minister of Economy and Labor) in the context of t...
Das Forschungsvorhaben betrifft die Entwicklung der Computertechnik und ihre zunehmende Anwendung fu...
Im 'Leitfaden' werden zu den einzelnen, beim staedtebaulichen Entwurf auftretenden Fragestellungen H...
Zielsetzung war - eine Orientierung ueber die zusaetzlichen Kosten fuer praxisrelevante Ausfuehrunge...
Der Neubau der FH Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin wurde als Projekt im Rahmen des Foerderprogramms Sola...
The new customers center of Wagner und Co. Solartechnik is the first office building which has been ...
The project focused on the optimized use of solar energy. A combination of innovative light guidance...
Aus Gruenden des Umweltschutzes und der Ressourcenschonung kommt der Energieeinsparung im Bauwesen e...
Basic research and the development of new and progressed solar cells are main points in the support ...
In the frame of the information service provided by BINE a report is given on heat supply plants, wh...
This is a report on a solar-supported local heat supply in Swabian Gmuend. The report includes the f...
This is part 3 of the final report of this research project. It is supplemented by 2 further reports...