The geothermal energy potential of the Magdeburg/Brandenburg region was evaluated in the course of a BMFT-funded research project. After a detailed geological description of the region, its geothermal potential is assessed. At different depths, interesting temperatures of more than 40 C are reached in large parts of the North Eastern section and in the trough centers of the South Eastern section. (BWI)Im Rahmen eines vom BMFT unterstuetzten Forschungsprojektes wurde das geothermale Energiepotential des Bereiches Magdeburg/Brandenburg abgeschaetzt und bewertet. Ausgehend von der eingehenden geologischen Beschreibung des Gebietes wird eine Abschaetzung des Potentials vorgenommen. In Abhaengigkeit von der Tiefenlage werden im NE-Teil groesserf...
A subsurface exploration strategy of geothermal energy utilization for district heating and cooling ...
The report describes methods which are required for geothermal energy exploitation: 1. Passive seism...
Subjects: The role of geothermal power in future energy supply; Efficient funding instruments for re...
In the course of a BMFT-sponsored research project, the geothermal potential of the Berlin/Frankfurt...
The geological prospects for utilizing teothermal energy in the Land of Sachsen-Anhalt are discussed...
Es wird berichtet ueber die Nutzung der Erdwaerme, insbesondere in Deutschland. Aufgrund der geologi...
Die Broschuere liefert nuetzliche Angaben zur gesteigerten Nutzung der geothermischen Energie im Bun...
Dieser Report fasst Ergebnisse aus der Startphase des Projekts Nutzbarmachung klueftigporoeser Speic...
Ziel dieses Berichts im Rahmen des Monitoring 'Nachhaltige Energieversorgung' ist es, die Moeglichke...
This project, as well as a parallel project funded by the Federal Minister of Economy, comprised sci...
In Germany low enthalpy thermal waters (mainly with temperatures between 40 C and 100 C maximum temp...
Germany uses its low enthalpy hydrothermal resources predominantly for balneological applications, s...
The meeting on 'Geothermal Energy' was divided into the following main subjects: Geothermal energy i...
Cretaceous, depth maps, temperature maps, geothermal energy, reservoir properties Numerous boreholes...
In Germany, drect geothermal energy use is restricted to selected sites only, due to the geological ...
A subsurface exploration strategy of geothermal energy utilization for district heating and cooling ...
The report describes methods which are required for geothermal energy exploitation: 1. Passive seism...
Subjects: The role of geothermal power in future energy supply; Efficient funding instruments for re...
In the course of a BMFT-sponsored research project, the geothermal potential of the Berlin/Frankfurt...
The geological prospects for utilizing teothermal energy in the Land of Sachsen-Anhalt are discussed...
Es wird berichtet ueber die Nutzung der Erdwaerme, insbesondere in Deutschland. Aufgrund der geologi...
Die Broschuere liefert nuetzliche Angaben zur gesteigerten Nutzung der geothermischen Energie im Bun...
Dieser Report fasst Ergebnisse aus der Startphase des Projekts Nutzbarmachung klueftigporoeser Speic...
Ziel dieses Berichts im Rahmen des Monitoring 'Nachhaltige Energieversorgung' ist es, die Moeglichke...
This project, as well as a parallel project funded by the Federal Minister of Economy, comprised sci...
In Germany low enthalpy thermal waters (mainly with temperatures between 40 C and 100 C maximum temp...
Germany uses its low enthalpy hydrothermal resources predominantly for balneological applications, s...
The meeting on 'Geothermal Energy' was divided into the following main subjects: Geothermal energy i...
Cretaceous, depth maps, temperature maps, geothermal energy, reservoir properties Numerous boreholes...
In Germany, drect geothermal energy use is restricted to selected sites only, due to the geological ...
A subsurface exploration strategy of geothermal energy utilization for district heating and cooling ...
The report describes methods which are required for geothermal energy exploitation: 1. Passive seism...
Subjects: The role of geothermal power in future energy supply; Efficient funding instruments for re...