Am Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit (IRS) des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe (FZK) wurden bis 1999 Unfallanalysen fuer den projektierten Europaeischen Druckwasser Reaktor (EPR) mit dem ''best estimate'' Kernschmelzcode SCDAP/RELAP5 (S/R5) durchgefuehrt. Von den verschiedenen mit S/R5 untersuchten Szenarien wurden der ''Ausfall der Wechselspannungsnetze'' (LOOP) und das kleine Leck (46 cm"2) im kalten Strang der Hauptkuehlmittelleitung (SBLOCA) fuer eine ausfuehrlichere Diskussion ausgewaehlt. Um das Verhalten des ''heavy reflectors'' (HR) und des Kernmantels (CB) auch jenseits der Moeglichkeiten von S/R5 untersuchen zu koennen, wurde ein analytisches Programm entwickelt (LOWCOR2) und angewendet um Informationen ueber den Zeitpunkt des Sch...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet moegliche Konsequenzen einer Verlagerung von Kernschmelze in...
Fuer zukuenftige Leichtwasserreaktor-Kraftwerke werden spezielle Einbauten (Kernfaenger) erforderlic...
Considering the unlikely core melt down scenario for a light water reactor (LWR) a possible failure ...
Fuer den europaeischen Druckwasser Reaktor (EPR), der in deutsch-franzoesischer Kooperation entwicke...
The objectives of the Boiling Water Reactor Experimental Analysis and Model Development for Severe A...
The present status of results in core meltdown research was compiled and analyzed. Based upon this, ...
Within the scope of the project BMFT No. 15008317 entitled ''Comparative Assessment of Different Com...
International audienceIn the event of a severe core meltdown accident in a pressurized water reactor...
Debris generated during the blowdown phase of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is a big concern in ...
Nordic Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) employ ex-vessel debris coolability as a severe accident manage...
This thesis presents the work involving two broad aspectswithin the field of nuclear reactor analysi...
Recriticality in a BWR during reflooding of an overheated partly degraded core, i.e. with relocated ...
International audienceThe major aim of work in the SARNET2 European project on ex-vessel debris form...
In the frame of the research program 1500 844/8 - Training of Scientists of the University of Dresde...
In this work the MELCOR-Code is coupled with the Phase-Change Effective Convectivity Model (PECM) us...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet moegliche Konsequenzen einer Verlagerung von Kernschmelze in...
Fuer zukuenftige Leichtwasserreaktor-Kraftwerke werden spezielle Einbauten (Kernfaenger) erforderlic...
Considering the unlikely core melt down scenario for a light water reactor (LWR) a possible failure ...
Fuer den europaeischen Druckwasser Reaktor (EPR), der in deutsch-franzoesischer Kooperation entwicke...
The objectives of the Boiling Water Reactor Experimental Analysis and Model Development for Severe A...
The present status of results in core meltdown research was compiled and analyzed. Based upon this, ...
Within the scope of the project BMFT No. 15008317 entitled ''Comparative Assessment of Different Com...
International audienceIn the event of a severe core meltdown accident in a pressurized water reactor...
Debris generated during the blowdown phase of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is a big concern in ...
Nordic Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) employ ex-vessel debris coolability as a severe accident manage...
This thesis presents the work involving two broad aspectswithin the field of nuclear reactor analysi...
Recriticality in a BWR during reflooding of an overheated partly degraded core, i.e. with relocated ...
International audienceThe major aim of work in the SARNET2 European project on ex-vessel debris form...
In the frame of the research program 1500 844/8 - Training of Scientists of the University of Dresde...
In this work the MELCOR-Code is coupled with the Phase-Change Effective Convectivity Model (PECM) us...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet moegliche Konsequenzen einer Verlagerung von Kernschmelze in...
Fuer zukuenftige Leichtwasserreaktor-Kraftwerke werden spezielle Einbauten (Kernfaenger) erforderlic...
Considering the unlikely core melt down scenario for a light water reactor (LWR) a possible failure ...