Using quenched and unquenched chiral perturbation theory we compute vector and axial current two-point functions at finite volume and fixed gauge field topology, in the so-called #epsilon#-regime of QCD. A comparison of these results with finite volume lattice calculations allows to determine the parameters of the corresponding chiral Lagrangians. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2999(03-191) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge axial vector current propagators [ΔA3μν(q) a...
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge vector-current propagators (ΔV33μν(q2) and Δ...
In this work we consider the axial-vector form factors of the nucleon in flavor-SU(2) and of the bar...
Using quenched and unquenched chiral perturbation theory we compute vector and axial current two-poi...
Damgaard PH, Hernandez P, Jansen K, Lellouch L, Laine M. Vector and axial-vector propagators in the ...
Damgaard PH, Hernandez P, Jansen K, Laine M, Lellouch L. Finite-size scaling of vector and axial cur...
Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external const...
We compute meson propagators in finite volume quenched chiral perturbation theory. (orig.)Available ...
We present simulation results employing overlap fermions for the axial correlation functions in the ...
We calculate vector-vector correlation functions at two loops using partially quenched chiral pertur...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory, we compute the long-distance behaviour of two-point funct...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory we compute meson correlation functions at finite volume an...
Two-loop analysis of axial vector current propagators in chiral perturbation theor
This thesis describes a study of the nonperturbative quark propagator in axial gauge QCD within the ...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory, we compute the long-distance behaviour of two-point funct...
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge axial vector current propagators [ΔA3μν(q) a...
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge vector-current propagators (ΔV33μν(q2) and Δ...
In this work we consider the axial-vector form factors of the nucleon in flavor-SU(2) and of the bar...
Using quenched and unquenched chiral perturbation theory we compute vector and axial current two-poi...
Damgaard PH, Hernandez P, Jansen K, Lellouch L, Laine M. Vector and axial-vector propagators in the ...
Damgaard PH, Hernandez P, Jansen K, Laine M, Lellouch L. Finite-size scaling of vector and axial cur...
Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external const...
We compute meson propagators in finite volume quenched chiral perturbation theory. (orig.)Available ...
We present simulation results employing overlap fermions for the axial correlation functions in the ...
We calculate vector-vector correlation functions at two loops using partially quenched chiral pertur...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory, we compute the long-distance behaviour of two-point funct...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory we compute meson correlation functions at finite volume an...
Two-loop analysis of axial vector current propagators in chiral perturbation theor
This thesis describes a study of the nonperturbative quark propagator in axial gauge QCD within the ...
Using quenched chiral perturbation theory, we compute the long-distance behaviour of two-point funct...
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge axial vector current propagators [ΔA3μν(q) a...
We perform a calculation of the isospin and hypercharge vector-current propagators (ΔV33μν(q2) and Δ...
In this work we consider the axial-vector form factors of the nucleon in flavor-SU(2) and of the bar...