Slovo Antropocén se v poslední dekádě skloňuje na akademické půdě v mnoha pádech. Geologové a stratigrafové se domnívají, že člověk svou činností natolik zasahuje do přírody, že navrhují nazvat tímto pojmem celou novou geologickou éru. To by mělo pro vědu z pohledu interdisciplinarity dalekosáhlé důsledky. Vzhledem k aktuálnosti tématu si práce klade za cíl sledovat průnik termínu Antropocén pomocí konceptuální teorie Reinharta Kosellecka, a tím zjistit, zda a jakým způsobem se slovo šíří do veřejného prostoru. První teoretický díl představuje prameny, mapuje reflexi termínu v literatuře společenských věd a zasazuje práci do teoreticko-metodologického rámce z pohledu dějin konceptů. Seznamuje s teorií přechodových fází Kosellecka a vysvětlu...
The debate on the Anthropocene, a geological epoch marked by human technology as a driving force of ...
The term Anthropocene initially emerged from the Earth System science (ESS) community in the early 2...
When Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer in 2000 proposed to introduce a new geological time, the...
The paper points out two levels of meaning of the term anthropocene, which is directly related to th...
The term Anthropocene initially emerged from the Earth System science community in the early 2000s, ...
Anthropocene is a geological informal term used to signal the time interval in which human activitie...
The article examines the concept of the Anthropocene as it has been developed in the field of Earth ...
IN ENGLISH: This chapter deals with the concept of Anthropocene, a techno-scientific label proposed ...
Ovaj rad bavi se tematikom antropocena koja je u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj i popularnoj literaturi zanem...
Celem pracy jest rozważenie zasadności formalizacji antropocenu jako nowej jednostki czasu geologicz...
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół otwarcia antropologii na postantropocentryzm oraz świat więcej-niż-spo...
This thesis aims to question the historical singularity of the Anthropocene concept in the field of ...
The present research aims to analyze how the notion of ‘Anthropocene’ is implemented within the scie...
When Hegel was binding the history of the world to the history of European national self-identity, i...
The concept of Anthropocene has been extensively analyzed by the natural sciences, as evidenced by s...
The debate on the Anthropocene, a geological epoch marked by human technology as a driving force of ...
The term Anthropocene initially emerged from the Earth System science (ESS) community in the early 2...
When Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer in 2000 proposed to introduce a new geological time, the...
The paper points out two levels of meaning of the term anthropocene, which is directly related to th...
The term Anthropocene initially emerged from the Earth System science community in the early 2000s, ...
Anthropocene is a geological informal term used to signal the time interval in which human activitie...
The article examines the concept of the Anthropocene as it has been developed in the field of Earth ...
IN ENGLISH: This chapter deals with the concept of Anthropocene, a techno-scientific label proposed ...
Ovaj rad bavi se tematikom antropocena koja je u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj i popularnoj literaturi zanem...
Celem pracy jest rozważenie zasadności formalizacji antropocenu jako nowej jednostki czasu geologicz...
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół otwarcia antropologii na postantropocentryzm oraz świat więcej-niż-spo...
This thesis aims to question the historical singularity of the Anthropocene concept in the field of ...
The present research aims to analyze how the notion of ‘Anthropocene’ is implemented within the scie...
When Hegel was binding the history of the world to the history of European national self-identity, i...
The concept of Anthropocene has been extensively analyzed by the natural sciences, as evidenced by s...
The debate on the Anthropocene, a geological epoch marked by human technology as a driving force of ...
The term Anthropocene initially emerged from the Earth System science (ESS) community in the early 2...
When Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer in 2000 proposed to introduce a new geological time, the...