Title: The condition ability in football. Comparasion of top and high performance level of the 16- to 18- year-old football players. Objective: The objective of my work was to assembly of data about the condition abilitiy of football players. And subsequently testing and comparasion of the condition ability of the 16- to 18- year-old football players in the different achievement categories. Methods: The research was made through the testing according to the test battery including 4 exercises focused on the fitness ability. It included 4 field exercises -Cooper test, long jump with the closed legs from place, 4 x 10 metres repetitive run and repetitive 6 metres jump. It also comprised laboratory tests - aerobics test in vita maxima on a trea...
Title: Evaluation strength, speed and agility of elite football players. Objectives: The main aim of...
4 TITTLE: Motorial Performance of Young Football Players in Age between 12 and 13 Years AIM OF ASSES...
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of th...
Title: The condition ability in football. Comparasion of top and high performance level of the 16- t...
Title: The degree of influence of fitness skills on the game performance of football players aged 15...
Title: Assessment of the level of condition, basic motor coordination, and football skills between t...
Title: Evaluation of the performance in tests of physical fitness and fundamental motor skills in yo...
Název: Míra vlivu kondičních schopností na herní výkonnost hráčů fotbalu ve věku 15-16 let. Cíle: Zj...
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of th...
Title: Assessment physical fitness and game skills in soccer players Objectives: To find out the rel...
Title: Level of physical activity, motor skills and physical ability of young football players Autho...
Název: Hodnocení motorické výkonnosti mladých hráčů fotbalu s odlišnou úrovní herní výkonnosti. Cíle...
Title: Evaluation of motor performance of young football players with different levels of game perfo...
Název: Hodnocení tělesné zdatnosti, tělesného složení, základních a specifických herních dovedností ...
Název: Hodnocení tělesné zdatnosti, tělesného složení, základních a specifických herních dovedností ...
Title: Evaluation strength, speed and agility of elite football players. Objectives: The main aim of...
4 TITTLE: Motorial Performance of Young Football Players in Age between 12 and 13 Years AIM OF ASSES...
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of th...
Title: The condition ability in football. Comparasion of top and high performance level of the 16- t...
Title: The degree of influence of fitness skills on the game performance of football players aged 15...
Title: Assessment of the level of condition, basic motor coordination, and football skills between t...
Title: Evaluation of the performance in tests of physical fitness and fundamental motor skills in yo...
Název: Míra vlivu kondičních schopností na herní výkonnost hráčů fotbalu ve věku 15-16 let. Cíle: Zj...
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of th...
Title: Assessment physical fitness and game skills in soccer players Objectives: To find out the rel...
Title: Level of physical activity, motor skills and physical ability of young football players Autho...
Název: Hodnocení motorické výkonnosti mladých hráčů fotbalu s odlišnou úrovní herní výkonnosti. Cíle...
Title: Evaluation of motor performance of young football players with different levels of game perfo...
Název: Hodnocení tělesné zdatnosti, tělesného složení, základních a specifických herních dovedností ...
Název: Hodnocení tělesné zdatnosti, tělesného složení, základních a specifických herních dovedností ...
Title: Evaluation strength, speed and agility of elite football players. Objectives: The main aim of...
4 TITTLE: Motorial Performance of Young Football Players in Age between 12 and 13 Years AIM OF ASSES...
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of th...