Přístup afrických zemí k Mezinárodnímu trestnímu soudu Cílem mé diplomové práce je poskytnout čtenáři ucelený výklad a popis postupného vývoje přístupu afrických států k Mezinárodnímu trestnímu soudu (dále jen "Soud"). Pro lepší pochopení tohoto složitého vztahu jsem se v první kapitole mé práce zaměřila na vymezení základní charakteristiky Soudu - tj. na proces jeho založení a historické pozadí jeho vzniku, dále na jeho účel, financování, včetně složení a správy Soudu, jakož i na podrobný popis řízení před Soudem a jeho rozhodování. Druhá kapitola se zabývá stručným úvodem do problematiky jiných mezinárodních trestních tribunálů s jurisdikcí v Africe a zmiňuje se taktéž o Africké unii, která je uznávanou mezinárodní organizací sdružující n...
Africa provides the first global experience of regionalization of international criminal law. This i...
The present enforcement system of international criminal law essentially rests on three main pillars...
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of B...
Approach of African states towards International Criminal Court This diploma thesis aims to depict i...
Possui versão em CDThe International Criminal Court inherently depends on the cooperation of other S...
1. Introduction International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court) interventions in Africa have over t...
This treatise addresses the possible creation of an African criminal court for individual criminal r...
The authors study the legitimacy of the establishment and work of the International Criminal Court (...
LLM, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015This dissertation presents an analytical liter...
Diese Thesis analysiert die Beeinflussung der Anschuldigungen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes...
The Assembly of the AU adopted the Malabo Protocol which, when in force, will establish a criminal d...
In 2002, the requisite number of ratifications to the Rome Statute was met, the International Crimin...
This article provides an analysis of existing and emerging African views that reflect and/or seek to...
Since the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), it has faced serious problems and...
Het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag heeft voor grote uitdagingen gestaan sinds de oprichting van...
Africa provides the first global experience of regionalization of international criminal law. This i...
The present enforcement system of international criminal law essentially rests on three main pillars...
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of B...
Approach of African states towards International Criminal Court This diploma thesis aims to depict i...
Possui versão em CDThe International Criminal Court inherently depends on the cooperation of other S...
1. Introduction International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court) interventions in Africa have over t...
This treatise addresses the possible creation of an African criminal court for individual criminal r...
The authors study the legitimacy of the establishment and work of the International Criminal Court (...
LLM, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015This dissertation presents an analytical liter...
Diese Thesis analysiert die Beeinflussung der Anschuldigungen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes...
The Assembly of the AU adopted the Malabo Protocol which, when in force, will establish a criminal d...
In 2002, the requisite number of ratifications to the Rome Statute was met, the International Crimin...
This article provides an analysis of existing and emerging African views that reflect and/or seek to...
Since the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), it has faced serious problems and...
Het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag heeft voor grote uitdagingen gestaan sinds de oprichting van...
Africa provides the first global experience of regionalization of international criminal law. This i...
The present enforcement system of international criminal law essentially rests on three main pillars...
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of B...