Přízemní ozón je látka, která se významně podílí na znečištění ovzduší. Jeho koncentrace se měřila již ve druhé polovině 19. století na více než 300 místech po celém světě. Téměř vždy byla k měření použita Schӧnbeinova metoda, která je založená na reakci jodidu draselného s ozónem. Tuto metodu ovlivňuje mnoho faktorů, především relativní vlhkost, kterou je nutno zohlednit pro porovnání dříve naměřených hodnot s dnešními. Převod se provádí na základě tzv. Linvillova grafu, který znázorňuje závislost koncentrace přízemního ozónu na relativní vlhkosti. Ve své bakalářské práci jsem se zabývala převodem hodnot naměřených v letech 1854-1868 v pražském Klementinu. Z mých výsledků vyplývá, že roční průměrné koncentrace se pohybovaly od 4 do 8 ppb a...
The main goal of this research is to investigate distribution of tropospheric ozone concentration in...
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o ozonu jako významném fenoménu současné společnosti. Jsou zde uveden...
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive assessment of ambient ozone concentrations in the ...
Ground level ozone is a substance that significantly accounts for air pollution. The level of ozone ...
Važan cilj ocjene kakvoće zraka je dobivanje informacija potrebnih za ocjenu izloženosti stanovnika...
Tropospheric ozone is a greenhouse gas, a key component of atmospheric chemistry, and is detrimental...
This thesis is concerned with the regime of ground-level ozone and influence of selected meteorologi...
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate temporal and spatial patterns of concentrations of...
Ozone concentrations were measured at three sites in Zagreb (Croatia) in the summer of 2005. Two mea...
Ambient air pollution, caused by harmful pollutants, is considered a severe problem for the natural ...
The study uses ozone concentrations from stations in Warsaw Agglomeration and its vicinity. Diversit...
Koncentracija ozona u stratosferi rezultat je dinamičke ravnoteže između kemijskih procesa nastajanj...
Ground-level ozone - seasons, relationships, conjunctions Jan Borovanský Abstract Episodes of increa...
Changes and distribution of ozone concentration in the area of high-voltage transmission lines were ...
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on the study of ozone decomposition which occurs during its contac...
The main goal of this research is to investigate distribution of tropospheric ozone concentration in...
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o ozonu jako významném fenoménu současné společnosti. Jsou zde uveden...
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive assessment of ambient ozone concentrations in the ...
Ground level ozone is a substance that significantly accounts for air pollution. The level of ozone ...
Važan cilj ocjene kakvoće zraka je dobivanje informacija potrebnih za ocjenu izloženosti stanovnika...
Tropospheric ozone is a greenhouse gas, a key component of atmospheric chemistry, and is detrimental...
This thesis is concerned with the regime of ground-level ozone and influence of selected meteorologi...
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate temporal and spatial patterns of concentrations of...
Ozone concentrations were measured at three sites in Zagreb (Croatia) in the summer of 2005. Two mea...
Ambient air pollution, caused by harmful pollutants, is considered a severe problem for the natural ...
The study uses ozone concentrations from stations in Warsaw Agglomeration and its vicinity. Diversit...
Koncentracija ozona u stratosferi rezultat je dinamičke ravnoteže između kemijskih procesa nastajanj...
Ground-level ozone - seasons, relationships, conjunctions Jan Borovanský Abstract Episodes of increa...
Changes and distribution of ozone concentration in the area of high-voltage transmission lines were ...
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on the study of ozone decomposition which occurs during its contac...
The main goal of this research is to investigate distribution of tropospheric ozone concentration in...
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o ozonu jako významném fenoménu současné společnosti. Jsou zde uveden...
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive assessment of ambient ozone concentrations in the ...