"Vliv zátěže na bicyklovém ergometru na spirometrické ukazatele měřené on-line během zátěže. Detekce zátěží indukované bronchokonstrikce a dynamické hyperinflace" shrnuje známé poznatky o vzniku, detekci a prevalenci zátěží indukované bronchokonstrikce. Dále se zabývá vznikem dynamické hyperinflace a jejími dopady na plicní mechaniku. V praktické části pomocí prezentace praktických příkladů ukazuje možnost pozorování změny spirometrických údajů a plicních objemů v průběhu a po dokončení zátěžové provokační zkoušky za účelem detekce dynamické hyperinflace a pozátěžové bronchokonstrikce. Ukazuje alternativní, za tímto účelem unikátní přístup k zátěžovému provokačnímu vyšetření. Rozebírá reakci spirometrických parametrů u astmatika a jedince b...
In studies based on questionnaires, asthma prevalence varies from 11% to 20 %. In athletes, the prev...
information by using exercise testing in the laboratory in the diagnosis of asthma Educational aims ...
D après les études fondées sur des questionnaires, la prévalence de l asthme varie entre 11 et 20 %....
Bachelor Thesis "Influence of exercise on spirometric data measured on-line during exercise. Detecti...
Tjelesno opterećenje se smatra nefarmakološkim, neimunološkim, dakle nespecifičnim bronhoprovokativn...
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the ergogenic potential of inhaled ß₂-agonists (IBAs) ...
Bicycle ergometer, treadmill, and free range running exercise have been used to induce broncho-const...
Respiratorna funkcija prije i poslije testa fizičkim opterećenjem analizirana je u 15 bolesnika (7 s...
"Belastungsasthma", im angloamerikanischen auch als "exercise-induced asthma (EIA)" oder "exercise-i...
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, associated or not with asthma, describes a transient limitatio...
Bicycle ergometer, treadmill, and free range running exercise have been used to induce broncho-const...
Bronhospazam izazvan naporom(EIB) se često javlja u nekim se sportovima. Astma i atopija povećavaju ...
Exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) is a transitory condition of airflow obstruction that is associa...
The assessment of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in athletes requires the measurement of...
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) was recently classified into EIB alone and EIB with asthm...
In studies based on questionnaires, asthma prevalence varies from 11% to 20 %. In athletes, the prev...
information by using exercise testing in the laboratory in the diagnosis of asthma Educational aims ...
D après les études fondées sur des questionnaires, la prévalence de l asthme varie entre 11 et 20 %....
Bachelor Thesis "Influence of exercise on spirometric data measured on-line during exercise. Detecti...
Tjelesno opterećenje se smatra nefarmakološkim, neimunološkim, dakle nespecifičnim bronhoprovokativn...
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the ergogenic potential of inhaled ß₂-agonists (IBAs) ...
Bicycle ergometer, treadmill, and free range running exercise have been used to induce broncho-const...
Respiratorna funkcija prije i poslije testa fizičkim opterećenjem analizirana je u 15 bolesnika (7 s...
"Belastungsasthma", im angloamerikanischen auch als "exercise-induced asthma (EIA)" oder "exercise-i...
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, associated or not with asthma, describes a transient limitatio...
Bicycle ergometer, treadmill, and free range running exercise have been used to induce broncho-const...
Bronhospazam izazvan naporom(EIB) se često javlja u nekim se sportovima. Astma i atopija povećavaju ...
Exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) is a transitory condition of airflow obstruction that is associa...
The assessment of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in athletes requires the measurement of...
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) was recently classified into EIB alone and EIB with asthm...
In studies based on questionnaires, asthma prevalence varies from 11% to 20 %. In athletes, the prev...
information by using exercise testing in the laboratory in the diagnosis of asthma Educational aims ...
D après les études fondées sur des questionnaires, la prévalence de l asthme varie entre 11 et 20 %....