Solid-state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the protection of low-voltage direct current microgrids. SSCBs operate in the microsecond range and employ semi-conductor devices that have strict safe operation area limits. Therefore, the design of the SSCB needs to consider the effects of fault detection delays and semi-conductor safe operation area limitations. This paper derives SSCB design criteria that consider the effect of different detection methods with different detection delays under varying system constraints. The design space is investigated in a sensitivity analysis, which provides insights into the operation boundaries of SSCB and explains how a combination of fault detection methods can red...
Due to the interconnected scheme of multiple components, such as distributed generators, storage sys...
Silicon-controlled rectifier-based dc solid-state circuit breakers (SCR-SSCBs) have received an incr...
Abstract Solid‐state circuit breakers (SSCBs) are designed to interrupt fault currents typically sev...
Solid-state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the protection o...
Abstract Solid‐state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the pro...
The solid state circuit breaker (SSCB) is a protective device used in power systems to provide prote...
The aim of this work is to investigate on DC microgrids and to find all the advantages and disadvant...
Ensuring a protection scheme in a DC distribution system is more difficult to achieve against pole-t...
Direct current (DC) distribution system has shown potential over the alternative current (AC) distri...
Low voltage direct current (LVDC) networks used as electricity distribution systems for a community ...
With the increasing introduction of DER in the everyday energy landscape, it becomes essential that ...
Electric propulsion and integrated hybrid power systems can improve the energy efficiency and fuel ...
DC Solid-State Circuit Breakers (SSCB) play an important role in the protection of DC and hybrid AC/...
In this text three different solid state circuit breakers (SSCB) for medium voltage direct current (...
Popularity of DC distribution systems is increasing for many residential and industrial applications...
Due to the interconnected scheme of multiple components, such as distributed generators, storage sys...
Silicon-controlled rectifier-based dc solid-state circuit breakers (SCR-SSCBs) have received an incr...
Abstract Solid‐state circuit breakers (SSCBs) are designed to interrupt fault currents typically sev...
Solid-state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the protection o...
Abstract Solid‐state circuit breakers (SSCB) show great promise to become the key element in the pro...
The solid state circuit breaker (SSCB) is a protective device used in power systems to provide prote...
The aim of this work is to investigate on DC microgrids and to find all the advantages and disadvant...
Ensuring a protection scheme in a DC distribution system is more difficult to achieve against pole-t...
Direct current (DC) distribution system has shown potential over the alternative current (AC) distri...
Low voltage direct current (LVDC) networks used as electricity distribution systems for a community ...
With the increasing introduction of DER in the everyday energy landscape, it becomes essential that ...
Electric propulsion and integrated hybrid power systems can improve the energy efficiency and fuel ...
DC Solid-State Circuit Breakers (SSCB) play an important role in the protection of DC and hybrid AC/...
In this text three different solid state circuit breakers (SSCB) for medium voltage direct current (...
Popularity of DC distribution systems is increasing for many residential and industrial applications...
Due to the interconnected scheme of multiple components, such as distributed generators, storage sys...
Silicon-controlled rectifier-based dc solid-state circuit breakers (SCR-SSCBs) have received an incr...
Abstract Solid‐state circuit breakers (SSCBs) are designed to interrupt fault currents typically sev...