This work focuses on two possible sources of Hg in tropical soils, (i) lithogenic Hg from in situ weathering of soil parental material, and (ii) exogenic Hg from natural long-term atmospheric inputs and anthropogenic input from past and present industrial activities. The concentration of lithogenic Hg [Hg](lithogenic) was based on comparison of measured Hg concentration with those of elements resistant to weathering such as Nb, U, Zn, Fe. Exogenic Hg was quantified by subtracting [Hg](lithogenic) from total Hg concentrations. This calculation was applied to 4 French Guiana soil profiles, 3 profiles on the same toposequence (ferralsol, acrisol, hydromorphic soil) and one acrisol close to a Au mine, where elemental Hg is used. In all profiles...